Recent content by Branching Out

  1. Branching Out

    Branching Out's Seeds and Sprouts

    Today I was getting a bunch of different bean seeds ready for planting when I noticed a small brown spot on one bean. At first glance it seemed fairly innocuous, but upon closer inspection with a macro lense the blemish looked rather nasty. That bean is in the garbage now--and I will be...
  2. Branching Out

    2024 Little Easy Bean Network - Growing Heirloom Beans Of Today And Tomorrow

    You were in my thoughts today as I prepped a few more Blue Jay bean seeds for planting. Sending healing thoughts your way, with best wishes for a full recovery. 😊
  3. Branching Out

    Branching Out's Seeds and Sprouts

    Poached Egg Plant and pure white lacey Orlaya are now blooming in the garden. Heavy sigh. I just love this time of year! 😍
  4. Branching Out

    Branching Out's Seeds and Sprouts

    Yesterday my mom told me she pinched the top off of one of the Parella Rossa lettuce that was starting to bolt. Initially I was concerned that she had damaged the flowering stalk, but now the plant has four seed stalks forming. Maybe she's on to something. 🤔
  5. Branching Out

    Maestro Peas

    You likely could still sow another row down the middle. If you have seed remaining I would go for it!
  6. Branching Out

    Branching Out's Seeds and Sprouts

    Bleach could work; I will keep that in mind. So far if a seed molds I just remove it, which seems to be sufficient. And when time permits I am trying to dry the cups of vermiculite out before starting a new batch of seeds in them. If things begin to deteriorate after several round of seed...
  7. Branching Out

    Sentry, Baymule’s Livestock Guard Dog

    I've heard of nutria, but never seen them in person. They are R.O.U.S's. right? Rodents of unusual size?
  8. Branching Out

    Branching Out's Seeds and Sprouts

    Good question! The little cups are filled with vermiculite, which seems to work well for germinating seeds. It is quickly becoming my preferred medium for starting lettuce, basil, and peppers seeds because the seeds stay moist-- even when I am away for a couple of days. You would think the...
  9. Branching Out

    Branching Out's Seeds and Sprouts

    The past few days friends have been coming by to pick up some of my extra tomato and pepper seedlings, which is lovely. It also helps reduce the number of plants that I am caring for. We have a warm spell coming so I'm trying to get as many plants in the ground as I can. They dry out really...
  10. Branching Out

    Baymule’s Farm

    Due to a sensitivity to insect bites my fragrance is Eau de Bug Spray.
  11. Branching Out

    Greetings from Southern Wisconsin

    A warm welcome from British Columbian! I have yet to be successful with cabbage, so unfortunately I have no advice to offer you. However, one of the cabbage plants that I over-wintered is still alive, and I hope that I will be able to save seed from it. Fresh seed might make growing cabbage...
  12. Branching Out

    Adventures in Soil Blocking

    Yay-- progress! :)
  13. Branching Out

    Your Weather, 2024

    Three more days of warm sunny weather ahead, so out to the garden I go! Lots of beans hitting the dirt here too.
  14. Branching Out

    Adventures in Soil Blocking

    April is kind of nuts with seed starting, planting out, weeding, and many other garden tasks. Fun, but exhausting. There are just not enough hours in the day! Today I planted out almost 200 blocks with bush and pole beans that were ready to take off. We just had many days of rain so I didn't...
  15. Branching Out

    Branching Out's Seeds and Sprouts

    The introduced species map is an interesting tool-- and I too am surprised that zinnias show up in those states.