Recent content by ducks4you

  1. ducks4you

    Your Weather, 2024

    Rain this morning. Saw it on radar, sat and drank coffee too long, me and Eva went out to put away my riding and push mowers, just started raining as I drove my God mower and dragged the push mower into the carriage house, Then the heavens let loose and it poured. Eva said, "we should go in"...
  2. ducks4you


    Regarding Your question, I would rake up grass clippings, spread them out on your garlic bed, let them dry for a few days, just like they dry out on your lawn, and use THAT for working in for your composting. It won't burn out your garlic, and you only want the garlic to set roots and throw up...
  3. ducks4you


    I am getting beds ready to plant garlic. I need your opinion about timing. I am borderline 5b/6a, LITERALLY on the border of the two. About 30 minutes north of me there is a nursery. I looked into buying garlic from them 2 years ago, in August. They said I missed it bc they had harvested...
  4. ducks4you

    Ducks 4 in '24

  5. ducks4you

    Winterizing roses?

    First, do NOT prune anything alive! I have the same issue. Blackberry thorns have overtaken my lovely yellow knockout, and a lot has died back. I am cutting a small hole in a used distilled water plastic gallon jug and tying it to the rose and giving it drip irrigation for leaf growth. I will...
  6. ducks4you

    Ducks 4 in '24

    Time to get the "Waterless Amaryliss" to go dormant and reflower around the holidays. He is the first prep. Various household ducks are interested.
  7. ducks4you

    A Seed Saver's Garden

    On Mid American gardener I was reminded to start tomato seeds correctly. The guest was using a clear canning jar and a piece of old window screen and a screw top, I was feeling badly that I didn't Have any old window screening, and I wanted ventilation and fruit fly prevention. :hit Then, I...
  8. ducks4you

    Official TEG Poll: What’s your preferred method for protecting crops from early frosts?

    Watch covering with too much straw, like placing a whole flake on top. If you leave it you have effectively killed the plant.
  9. ducks4you

    What are you canning now?

    I am about to can apple pie and applesauce. The harvest from my red (???--dunno what kind) old apple tree, that tree that was trying to die, but changed it's mind and made a LOT of 2024 apples, is keeping really well. The Johnagolds started to decompose, at least those with damage. Thought...
  10. ducks4you

    Ducks 4 in '24

    I was enjoying the photos on @secuono's thread. I have one of those bush hoggers, too. It's been so dry this year that we haven't used it. A lot of fields have been harvested locally due to our periodic drought this late summer. I...
  11. ducks4you


    Sleeping a little bit better, so the coffee is working better, too. HB eggs & tomatoes for breakfast.
  12. ducks4you


    I really need to hire YOU (@digitS' ) as my chef!! :love
  13. ducks4you


    Gotta be a double yoker.
  14. ducks4you

    What are You Eating from the Garden?

    Cucumbers, tomatoes, chili (w/my canned tomatoes it is tomato based), and an apple pie from our Johnagolds.
  15. ducks4you

    What Did You Do In The Garden?

    The question is are we talking about native "weeds" or invasive plants. In my study many native flowers and plants do not spread widely like invasives bc animals predate on them, and check their population. When I was a child I looked at the empty lot next door--parents built a house in a newish...