Search results

  1. GottaGo

    Propagating lilacs

    My lilac shrubs are old, scraggly and in competition with leylands of 23 years (before I knew better) plus Cedar trees. They are currently blooming and the scent is magical to me. I've seen some growth at the base, but because of the dead bramble below, it's difficult to reach for me (I...
  2. GottaGo

    Plant Identification Apps

    I have been researching a plant in my yard online (I may have inquired before?) and I'm just getting aggravated when all I get is 'here buy this' advertising that is NO help. Yes, I need an app on my phone that doesn't dump even more advertising on it. And free would be nice too, lol...
  3. GottaGo

    Lion's Tail

    Leonotis leonurus oe Wild Dagga. Mt neighbor gave me some seeds for it this past Christmas. I'm interested in trying these, even though it will be considered and annual. Anybody grown this? Any hints or tips?
  4. GottaGo

    Just Sayin' Hi

    Not new to gardening (lapsed MG) but new to here. Been a couple of years since I was on a gardening forum, and seriously miss the flow of information and new ideas other gardeners share. I'm in NE Tennessee, Zone 7a, but have a microclimate that seems to affect just my yard. Looking forward...