Garden Master
It rained a little this morning, but that's the great thing about raised can still get out there and work 'em! So ahead of the next round of rain, DD6 and I hurried to plant a few cabbage, brussel sprouts, shallots, beets, parsley and about a half pound each of red and yellow onion sets.
Our starts are doing great too and I need to get a pic of those up on the other thread.
I have in mind to start another flat of flowers today, mostly black poppies and who knows what else I feel like. Got a few baskets of laundry staring me down too, so hopefully I'll get to that today (the laundry that is, ha.
) I know my priorities! 
Our starts are doing great too and I need to get a pic of those up on the other thread.
I have in mind to start another flat of flowers today, mostly black poppies and who knows what else I feel like. Got a few baskets of laundry staring me down too, so hopefully I'll get to that today (the laundry that is, ha.