Garden Master
don't worry Bucka spring is almost up there and i'm hoping the rest of your snow and ice will be gone by the end of this week for you.
i got the tiller going yesterday and ran it through a small section of the big garden bed. kept hitting 'boulders' and fighting to get them pulled up.
it has to be part of the foundation from the barn i was told had been on that side of the property. while deciding to till the rest of the big bed i noticed there were some garlic plants sprouting that i must have missed pulling up last year. they were sprouting up through the last chicken coop clean out shavings so i figured i would pull and move them. i ended up replanting them in some deep flower pots.
came in the house for a break and ended up getting more seeds started. did some more starting today too. i know i'm a little late getting some of these started but i did peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, kale, collards, and cucumbers.
i got the tiller going yesterday and ran it through a small section of the big garden bed. kept hitting 'boulders' and fighting to get them pulled up.

came in the house for a break and ended up getting more seeds started. did some more starting today too. i know i'm a little late getting some of these started but i did peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, kale, collards, and cucumbers.