Garden Master
If I could find a good stylist whom I could trust, I might try something different someday. I do think I would probably look better with some long bangs, but I want a trained opinion on that first. I am also averse to making appointments and when I want to cut my hair it is usually on a whim. So that doesn't help.
Being 38, I think I can still get away with long hair for awhile. I am growing it out right now and it has gotten long enough to do a long braid over to one side (i.e. Elsa from Frozen). I love that look, particularly on younger ladies.
I don't have time to mess with my hair, so I like to be able to pull it up, but in a variety of ways. When I am old, I think it would be great to wear it in a bun like Caroline Ingles on Little House on the Prairie. I don't think I'd look good with hair much shorter than to my jaw line and being that my hair is stick straight, it would take copious and disgusting amounts of gooey hair products to make it hold curl or have any bounce or body. So yeah, a big bun piled on the top of my head sounds like the way to go to me. 
I've colored it a time or two, always within a couple shades of my original color. I haven't colored it in over a year, but if I get enough sun, it stays blonde enough. If I get dark roots, I will usually color it my "summer" color right around the holidays. An adventurous cut for me would be shoulder length with some long layers. I've had pretty much the same haircut since highschool, sometimes longer than others. Most days I just braid it or in a ponytail since I finally caught on to doing a double ponytail for more volume in the crown and less headaches from the weight of it. On a bad hair day, I'll twist it up with a clip and let the ends come out like a rooster tail, LOL.
@Nyboy , waxing your nose, THAT has gotta hurt!
Being 38, I think I can still get away with long hair for awhile. I am growing it out right now and it has gotten long enough to do a long braid over to one side (i.e. Elsa from Frozen). I love that look, particularly on younger ladies.
I've colored it a time or two, always within a couple shades of my original color. I haven't colored it in over a year, but if I get enough sun, it stays blonde enough. If I get dark roots, I will usually color it my "summer" color right around the holidays. An adventurous cut for me would be shoulder length with some long layers. I've had pretty much the same haircut since highschool, sometimes longer than others. Most days I just braid it or in a ponytail since I finally caught on to doing a double ponytail for more volume in the crown and less headaches from the weight of it. On a bad hair day, I'll twist it up with a clip and let the ends come out like a rooster tail, LOL.
@Nyboy , waxing your nose, THAT has gotta hurt!