Garden Master
I have more pictures for you @ninnymary !! I built a hoop coop the last week of May. I had chicks in the house, they were driving me nuts and I wanted them OUT! I built the whole thing out of stuff I already had. The tin for the roof was used, the treated lumber for the frame came off the half off rack at Lowes, as did the 2 sheets of USB board I used for the back. Several years ago I swapped 2 jars of home made sweet pickles for a partial roll of 1"x1/2" rabbit wire, used for the cage bottoms. I did have to go buy screws. 
First I laid out my treated 2"x4" boards.
After I squared them up, screwed them together, I was ready for the cow panels.
I got the cow panels dragged in place, then bowed them up, one at a time and stapled in place.
First I laid out my treated 2"x4" boards.
After I squared them up, screwed them together, I was ready for the cow panels.
I got the cow panels dragged in place, then bowed them up, one at a time and stapled in place.