Garden Master
Had to have my dog, Boogie (aka. Sierra), put to sleep yesterday evening. She started throwing up and couldn't keep water down and got very dehydrated and weak. I had noticed her declining over the past month or so, but attributed it to the fleas. I have heard that fleas will swarm a dog that is ill, so maybe that is why. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, to make that call, but she went quickly and peacefully. I'm thankful my husband was able to leave work and come with me. My MIL kept the kids overnight.
We also lost my other dog, Dana, a couple of days before Christmas a few years ago. That made it especially rough.
She was the end of an era for me. Any we get after this will be more the kids' dog, I'm sure. We grew up together and she was my dog, my furr-baby before I had human babies. She comforted me through a lot of rough spots and changes in my life. Helped me find the good sense to walk away from a bad relationship that would have probably ruined my life (he was prejudiced against pitbulls and really made an *ss of himself over me getting her.) We took many long walks and hikes together. When she got too old to take walks, she'd follow me around the backyard as I did my chores. Everywhere I was, she was always at my feet. She loved to cuddle and would shamelessly steal your blanket. We had her longer than we thought we would with this cancer she fought for 4 years. I suspect it was the cancer had finally metastasized. She won over many new friends, loved a couple of cats, and brought much joy to many kids and her family.
We also lost my other dog, Dana, a couple of days before Christmas a few years ago. That made it especially rough.

She was the end of an era for me. Any we get after this will be more the kids' dog, I'm sure. We grew up together and she was my dog, my furr-baby before I had human babies. She comforted me through a lot of rough spots and changes in my life. Helped me find the good sense to walk away from a bad relationship that would have probably ruined my life (he was prejudiced against pitbulls and really made an *ss of himself over me getting her.) We took many long walks and hikes together. When she got too old to take walks, she'd follow me around the backyard as I did my chores. Everywhere I was, she was always at my feet. She loved to cuddle and would shamelessly steal your blanket. We had her longer than we thought we would with this cancer she fought for 4 years. I suspect it was the cancer had finally metastasized. She won over many new friends, loved a couple of cats, and brought much joy to many kids and her family.