Nose Ring At Work


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
No and since he doesn't deal with clients, I would let it go. Be thankful he's such a good worker.

EXACTly!! I have 3 of those work ethic millenial DD's, but there is a divide between those who have a work ethic and those who think that the world revolves around them. People who heavily tattoo their bodies, and later see those tattoos distort, and get multiple piercings often come to regret those decisions later on in life and some of those piercings won't close up later, so you can feel sorry for his future minor surgery.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
It's not always easy being a boss and running your own business is it? If you did not have to deal with people it would be a lot easier.

With the type of work he does, is this something your insurance company might have a say in? Are they likely to be faced with a reconstructive plastic surgery bill? There are plenty of jobs, usually around machinery or electricity, where you are not allowed to wear any jewelry, even wedding rings. Is there a safety hazard with him wearing that? But as Seed said, be consistent. Would dangling earrings constitute a safety hazard?

The rest relies on your judgement. As a business owner you are trying to present a certain climate for your customers. I'd think in your line of business you want your employees to look professional and competent, yet present a friendly helpful attitude. You might have a dress code, you might even provide uniforms. With the vet/boarding/grooming I use the employees wear jeans and tee shirts, not always highly stylish at all, they might even be stained. But it is somewhat a dirty job. I think they are dressed appropriately.

As the owner/boss you have the right to set that standard. You have a posh upscale clientele. How is that nose ring going to affect your business? Do you or others wear piercings at work? If you do I'm sure they are tasteful. Maybe he needs to tone it down a little. Would you be upset if he showed up with bright pink spiky hair? For all I know you do. How does that nose ring affect the face you want your business to present to the public?

Then you have the arbitrary "I'm the boss and I don't like it. Get rid of it!" You are paying the paycheck, they need to ride for the brand. I'm OK with that attitude, you are paying the paycheck. You just need to find employees that are OK with that. You attitude when you go about enforcing that can have a big effect on how well it works.

It's your call Boss.

A side story, nothing to do with appearance but a lot to do with the face you present to the public. As part of our move we will need to board our dogs for about a week and a half in that area. Yesterday my wife made some phone calls. One place she called the person that answered the phone did not have a good attitude. She was not happy with them at all. She knew how to handle that. Click! Another place did not return her phone call in a timely a manner. They did eventually return the call but it was several hours later. Too late. The third time was the charm. A helpful friendly attitude, they knew the relevant policies, and were willing to work with us. The rates are reasonable, even less than I pay here. A free grooming is included just before we pick them up. My wife checked them out online and they get high reviews. They also have a vet service so they may have found a couple of new clients. We'll make that evaluation when we get there but right now they are way ahead of their competitors.


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
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White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
Does @baymule wear a nose ring ? I told him he had to remove ring while at work, he understood. None of my clients have piecing or heavy tattoos but some of their children do. One of the younger guys here dyed their hair a reddish blond looks very dyed that doesn't bother me. When some one calls for information on kennel it depends on what they first ask. If their first question is how much I know not to bother spending a lot of time with them they are not the type of client I want. If their first question is how will my dog be cared for while with you, I will spend enough time to answer all their questions and invite them to stop by and see the kennel.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
When I worked at a University Veterinary Pathology Department, a female senior Vet student with rather large arm tattoo, had a nose ring put in a day before her pathology rotation. Well , she got a serious pathogen infection in her nose wound and had to be hospitalized. Later she had to have plastic surgery on the nose as the infection caused a disfigurement . Her choice for the body art work, University stuck with the medical bills. Will your Errors and Omissions or Workman's comp Policy pay for medical proceedures if one of your client dogs happens to lick this employee's face, and possibly have it's fang get stuck in the nose ring and causing his nose to be torn ??? Will you have to pay the medical bill due to unsafe working conditions ??? :idunno


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
I had an odd dream last night.

I had a job, potting up seedlings ;). I don't remember doing that even when I worked at a greenhouse. Anyway, it was in a public place, seemed quite pleasant. There were other workers.

My co-worker, who I thought was going on to another task, said something I didn't hear as she walked away. I hurried after her to learn what she had said. She said very loudly and that she would be right back to work with me! Then, she looked embarrassed as people turned towards her.

Hearing loss is a disability. I do not believe in self-inflicted disabilities. We all have personal worth. Enhancements can be directed inward.

Mom said "clean and neat." ... She also said that "patches can't be seen on a flying horse" ;). I can be a better person but trying to be won't have much to do with image.



Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
I remember you saying how hard it is to get good help. Your clients have seen everything.
Very hard thats why I did not say something right away. He shows up 10 minutes before start time. I do have a relaxed dress code every one wears tee shirts with my logo or sweat shirt with my logo. If they have facial hair it must be kept trimmed. One of the younger guys here experiments with hair styles all the time, I have no problem with that. He has come in with half head shaved while other half long. I think its like some hair cuts we give the dogs.

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