Garden Master
The first was the onion catalog from Dixondale.
The second catalog to arrive was HPS from the Jung's group. I haven't done any comparison of prices or checked online ordering but this early arrival of seed catalogs is about what I've come to expect in recent years. Will begin my usual perusal, today
This might help @ducks4you to grow larger onions. I have started onions from seed in the February, unheated greenhouse for years. However, the largest sweet onions that I have grown were from Dixondale starts. I usually have some onion sets in the garden for the earliest to harvest. But, onion varieties for sets must be specifically from those that can be stored through the months of winter. Sweet onions are not known for good storage qualities.
The second catalog to arrive was HPS from the Jung's group. I haven't done any comparison of prices or checked online ordering but this early arrival of seed catalogs is about what I've come to expect in recent years. Will begin my usual perusal, today