I have a notebook that I am keeping records on how things work out. I placed them in an east facing window sill. If I need to move them I also have a West facing window. I'm really excited to see how things go. I just planted some cantaloupe about a week ago if not less time and I have 2 sprouts...
Yes. I haven't ever done an experiment so I just decided why not. I still have more seeds if it all ends in a fail. I poked some holes in the bottom of the egg shells so that I can water them from the bottom not the top. I sent the egg shells through the blender to grind them down. The coffee...
I have the experiment starting today. It's being done on habanero peppers. I have plain soil, soil w/egg shells and coffee grounds, soil w/egg shells, soil w/coffee grounds, soil in egg shells and soil in egg shells w/coffee grounds. I'm going to run this to May 8th. My very first experience...
I'm going to be doing an experiment with my new generic seed starting soil. I'm going to make a ledger to keep track of how it's going. I'm going to use used coffee grounds, ground up egg shells and soil. I'm also going to try just the egg shells and soil. Just the soil and I will also try...
I have had that happen to me at another house. Someone threw 3 pups out and one we kept but one I took to the shelter and the female she was given to a lady that rehomes certain dogs and she also tries to train them. He was part yellow lab, st. Bernard and sharpay ( I don't know how to spell it).
She was posted as a "needs a rehoming". What I didn't know at the time is that she had been abused by the idiots. Between the man, woman and kid they were about 99 bricks short of having a full load. The dog is still pregnant but I am thinking about maybe squeezing her teet to see if there's any...
If it's just the regular vinegar it's not that bad. I know because I did boil vinegar when I decided to make a fire pit. I have so many weeds that I don't have any way to get rid of them especially considering some of them happen to be useful. I have a (I guess you could say), cousin of mallow...
@Marie2020, have you tried boiling the vinegar. It makes it stronger and I would also recommend putting some salt and baking soda around the weeds then pour the boiled vinegar on top. It might kill the grass but I should think that it would do the trick.
Tomorrow I have to get started on the duck enclosure. We're expecting rain again so I need to get that at least started and then I have to moisten the garden and then I'll be done until the rain stops.
I had a bunch of pepper seeds that just all got mixed up together so I decided to start those in a box. I'm not sure what type they are but oh well if they grow and produce then I will be happy.
I got some more containers to put the seeds in. I'm also going to use my containers that my inhaler came in so that I can water the seeds without having to water on top of the seeds. I still need to make more beds and get them filled.
I'm slowly working on getting my tomatoes, peppers and squash/ melons started. I did manage to get some sweet potatoes started just to try to get them to sprout. I will have to cut the containers off but that's okay.