Recent content by AMKuska

  1. AMKuska

    Lettuce Breeding

    Thank you for sharing this! I'm going to give lettuce breeding a try this year, so I hope to copy your efforts.
  2. AMKuska

    Newbie from Western Washington State

    I'm from Western Washington also! If you're interested in planting squash, pumpkin, cucumbers, etc. look for powdery mildew resistant varieties. It seems PM is awful in this part of the world, but using varieties resistant to it really helped me lick the problem!
  3. AMKuska

    Branching Out's Seeds and Sprouts

    I'm going to try this! I've gotten a few good carrots but it has been a long road.
  4. AMKuska

    A Seed Saver's Garden

    That's amazing!
  5. AMKuska

    Amkuska's 2025 Garden

    OMG @ducks4you I am dying laughing! I missed the reference too. I looked up "Audreys" and there's actually a tomato variety by that name. I thought you were just saying you kept trays of tomatoes that go crazy too! This is HILARIOUS and exactly what my husband is envisioning happening in my...
  6. AMKuska

    Adventures in Soil Blocking

    How did you fit a high tunnel under your deck?
  7. AMKuska

    Amkuska's 2025 Garden

    Well, I got myself into a bit of trouble with my darling husband a couple of days ago. It went something like this: Husband: *stabbing finger vigorously at greenhouse* "What is that?!" Me: *Frantically trying to remember if there were any Super Secret Seed Orders lately* "What?!" Husband...
  8. AMKuska

    Ducks ALIVE in 2025!

    One of my dogs also has bad allergies. We make all their dog food now and it has genuinely seemed to help with one of the dog's health problems. Another is on an anti-cancer supplement for life after having a bout with it, so I just add it in while cooking to make sure I never forget it.
  9. AMKuska

    Your Weather, 2025

    It's been 20s at night here, 40s during the day. I have to poor hot water on the chicken waterers so they can get a drink in the morning.
  10. AMKuska

    Baymule’s Farm

    Sorry about the lamb, he was a beauty. I am glad the ewe survived though.
  11. AMKuska

    Happy Birthday catjac1975

    Happy birthday!!
  12. AMKuska

    Baymule’s Farm

    We haven't had any snow either and we usually get it.
  13. AMKuska

    Natural disasters

    I used to live in California. The best thing to do to protect from wildfires is to keep vegetation cut to the ground so there is less to burn in a ring around your greenhouse. 100 feet is considered good. With less vegetation to burn, there's less fuel for the fire to consume, so it's more...
  14. AMKuska

    Baymule’s Farm

    I know where Frimplepants came from! (Or at least one, if there's more.) It's "The Princess in Black" series. My daughter has read the first book many times! It's about a princess who is beautiful and respectable and wears fancy dresses for everyone to see, but has a secret double life as a...
  15. AMKuska

    Amkuska's 2025 Garden

    My son helped me build the new cold frame yesterday. He has gotten a lot better at hands on things since residing the house with us. My sister gave this to me for Christmas. I love it! I held it together while my son put the screws in. This part looked complicated in the instructions but was...