Recent content by baymule

  1. baymule

    Gone to the Dogs

    I have 2 Anatolian Shepherds, a spayed female, Sheba, and a registered male, Buford T. Justice. Sheba was not breeding quality, so at 18 months, was spayed. Buford is AKC registered and has been accessed as exceptional by a breeder of 40 years. Buford has been OFA X-rayed for hips and elbows and...
  2. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    I take them to the far back corner. They disappear. One morning I heard a bobcat screeching, about 9 AM.
  3. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    Daisy had a single ram lamb this morning. Daisy is half White Dorper and half Katahdin. Daughter of Granny and Cooper, she was bred to Little Ringo. Lambing has concluded. 43 lambs, lost 3, 1 bottle baby, all ewes are ok .
  4. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    Thanks. I knew he wasn’t going to make it, but at least he died warm, safe and loved. Yesterday I worked on fenceline. I need the back field, but it’s going to be a fight to claim it. It’s awful. I used my battery chainsaw for 5 hours and was whipped. Some of it is going to require a big...
  5. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    I didn’t get the burn piles lit yesterday. I found Tiny’s triplet ram yesterday in a crumpled heap, bloated and cold as an ice cube. I thought he was dead. I picked him up, he moved, alive. I brought him in the house and warmed him up with a hair dryer in my laundry basket. I gave him...
  6. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    Because it’s in the way. So far I just go around it, but at some point it will have to go.
  7. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    Little chicks have had a week out in the coop and are doing ok. I’ve lost a few, that is to be expected. It stormed Tuesday, high winds blew out the power. I called in the power outage on the automated system plus called and talked to a live person. There were 4,000 with no power. I told the...
  8. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    I finally did get that hay bale set for the sheep in the front field. Even with the sunshine, that big heavy tractor squished big ruts. But I got the bale set. The same day I cleaned up the stash of gates. I had to machete chop tall weeds , drag gates from one end of the shed to the other...
  9. baymule

    Gone to the Dogs

    Dogs live in the moment. Their mind is not clouded by worries of the future. Their only importance in their life is right now.
  10. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    It’s been 3 days of beautiful sunshine. Have accomplished very little outside due to wet soggy, muddy, ground. Been out of hay for front field for 4 days, but so wet that tractor would leave deep ruts. Maybe today. Tired of pulling hay off round bale in middle field and carrying it to front field.
  11. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    Big Girl lambed night before last. That would be Monday night. The first was a big ram, covered in yellow goop. When the goop is yellow, it’s an indicator of a problem birth. He was floppy and took a long time to get up and after many failed attempts, he finally nursed. I helped him a little...
  12. baymule


    Another sunny day, yesterday I went to the grocery store. Need to set a round bale of hay for front field, but it’s so muddy, I don’t want to leave ruts.
  13. baymule

    Concerned About Growing Old?

    @digitS' my church flip flops are sparkly ones! 😃😃😃😃😃
  14. baymule

    Baymule’s Farm

    Sad tale. My mistake. I picked up the 3 week old pullets. It was cold, their “house” was warm. We put them in cardboard boxes so I could get them home. I was so afraid of them getting cold! But when I got home and opened the boxes, half were dead. :hit Of all things, they got too hot. I was...
  15. baymule

    Shelby’s gardening 2025

    Hahaha @ducks4you ! Yes! I have livestock. The old saying is, if you have livestock, you get deadstock. Same with plants. They are not ALL going to live. Making a garden thread is a great idea! Plant the reliable seeds that make the reliable plants, for optimum success. Then branch out into...