So Guy Dirix post this information on facebook about this bean with the upside down exclamation mark.
It is a bush bean from Cusco-Peru , from the gene bank CIAT -Colombia- In 2016.
Lieven Decrick from Pepingen-Belgium- noticed this bizarre bean in the lists of CIAT. He obtained seeds and sent...
My name and address is on the Package Inventory list. It's also on the sheet that identifies my account. My account number is on the Green/Yellow label so they can look me up on their computer system. Artorious thinks he forgot to put my address label that I print out and include with the...
Some bean mail today from Artorious. So his package went through the USDA inspection routine and was forwarded to me. Artorious thought he didn't even use my return address labele that I sent him last year. So heirloomgals package is I think somewhere. If my chance it got caught in a bin with...
I'm going to guess that the seeds with flattened ends will repeat. You might have two slightly different strains of this bean. Rounded ends and flattened ends. I have gotten this bean too but 4 seeds from Gabriel Hess in Switzerland.
I had a miracle bean also one year also back in 2014. My miracle bean was Armenian Giant Black. A young man from Ohio sent me 5 seeds of AGB. They look poorly formed and were small. I planted all of them around a pole 4 of them emerged from the soil in a little over a week. Within two weeks...
The more time you give this bean to age at room temperature that more color you get out of it. I think the seed I sent you proably sat about two months before I put them in the freezer. They would probably darken more if left to age a bit more. I should take a few seeds out of my freezer and let...
It's easy getting seeds into Canada. Canadian citizens can import up to 3 kilos of seed for personal use in a year. I wish the US was as amicable about getting seeds from Canada as Canada is about getting seeds from the US.
Once you get your 2025 garden layout finalized. If you want you can request any Network beans you want to grow and any other beans you want to grow. I wonder if maybe we should just try the paper wrap method for all of it this year. What do you think about that?
There are 10 varieties that you wouldn't really have to send back they are sufficient numbers here of them. I like to keep 3 or 4 packets at a minimum of each variety in the freezer. Just in case I have a grower that doesn't return something. I do have growers that I send seed to and never hear...
The first question I have was did you leave my address label in that ziploc baggie that said "Address Label For USDA TO Forward Package? I'm sure you did but I just want to double check.
My local post office could only find your Canadian Tracking number that would have taken the package to the...