Recent content by catjac1975

  1. catjac1975

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Hah! I am almost ready to start pumpkin and squash seeds!
  2. catjac1975

    The Cat's Outta the Bag!

    That's how my first cat became a barn cat. Somehow in my first pregnancy my cat thought 4 in the morning was a perfect time to get up to go outside.
  3. catjac1975


    We are having our coldest winter in years. My greenhouse is loaded with my own Amaryllis hybrids. I repotted them 2 summers ago, and they are huge and glorious. I spend my days in there, starting my early veggies and being surround by the Amaryllis. I have gone back to my treadmill in my cellar...
  4. catjac1975


    So beautiful at every stage!
  5. catjac1975

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    For most of you a Bobcat on a trail cam is not so unusual. But they are not supposed to be in my town in Massachusetts. Such a beauty hunting in my back woods.
  6. catjac1975

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    My very earliest greenhouse tomatoes ever. SO much fun.
  7. catjac1975

    Happy Birthday catjac1975

    It was. Food I did not have to cook, cake, children, grandchildren , and husband....
  8. catjac1975

    Happy Birthday catjac1975

    Hahah Thanks!
  9. catjac1975

    Happy Birthday catjac1975

    Nice to be remembered.
  10. catjac1975

    Happy Birthday catjac1975

    Nice. Thank-you.
  11. catjac1975

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Ha! I FORGOT I POSTED THIS. I still love it, and I hope you do too.
  12. catjac1975

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Get some mosquito dunks and soak them In your watering cans before watering your plants.This will kill the larvae. Fly strips will catch the adults. Treat all plant, especially big box store plants, to keep them at bay.