Recent content by Collector

  1. Collector

    Quotes and thoughts for the day

    Yes that is Thomas he will be 7 this month and is I 1st grade this year.
  2. Collector

    Your Weather, 2025

    We had zero here this morning and a high of 16. Currently 13 here at 4:45 pm
  3. Collector

    Quotes and thoughts for the day

    So true.
  4. Collector

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Nice pic, is that trail camera
  5. Collector

    stubbed toes and mud pies

    Wowsa sounds like you are in the thick off it. Did your heat source give up the ghost?
  6. Collector

    Buford T. Justice Baymule’s LGD

    that will keep you busy I bet. Our Pyrenees is 11 now he still on patrol but inside at night these days. Enjoy seeing your pictures.
  7. Collector

    Restarting the garden

    I really wish I could move that quick. Things would really happen around here
  8. Collector

    Buford T. Justice Baymule’s LGD

    Great looking dogs and dutifull employees you have. How big is your flock these days?
  9. Collector

    Hi from Montana!

    Welcome from Eastern Washington glad you are here
  10. Collector

    majors 2023 garden

    this is our garden this morning and we have sleet coming down currently. We are planting seeds and getting ready for spring planting.
  11. Collector

    Baymule’s Farm

    Get well soon, and don’t overdo it during the healing process.
  12. Collector

    What's growing in your greenhouse today?

    @catjac1975 , whoa you have tomatoes already… nice. @Ridgerunner , C’mon man. It really looks good But it causes real pain in late March for those of us near the 49th parallel lol. @digitS' , not much in our greenhouse either, we have 12 black currants in pots that are starting wake up for...
  13. Collector

    Grandparent bragging

    @Gardening with Rabbits, the odd thing is DW, DD, and I all had Covid mid January and Thomas never even got the sniffles . But this latest bug going around is infecting everyone here including Thomas, he was the first to get it. I started feeling minor symptoms on Friday and Saturday morning I...
  14. Collector

    What Did You Do In The Garden?

    No backhoe unfortunately ,The bed was prepped in the fall of 2020.I was pretty banged up last spring 2021 so it sat empty last season. I was determined to get it transplanted early this year before the leaf buds broke open. Also had to prune 13 apple trees that were not pruned last winter and...
  15. Collector

    Grandparent bragging

    @baymule ,We have been looking into vitamins and minerals that would help him from starting the downward spiral every time he gets a minor ailment. Our eldest daughter who is Thomas mom used to have bouts of anemia when she was young just not as young as Thomas is. We never thought much about...