Recent content by GwenFarms

  1. G

    What is wrong with my butter beans??

    The first of my two butter bean patches is beginning to make a stand. My green bean patch is just a few feet over. The green beans are growing beautifully, but the butter beans just aren't doing as well. Its hard to believe that there is that big of a difference in the soil with no more of a...
  2. G

    I'm sooo frustrated! **Update**

    The beans lived! I thought I saw some peeking yesterday and this morning when I went out they were popping up all over. The cold just slowed them down a little, but didn't kill them. Thanks for the support everyone! I haven't replanted yet, but am going to get started tommorow :)
  3. G

    I'm sooo frustrated! **Update**

    The big freeze, which was suppose to be a little frost, has wiped out most of my garden :( Ive lost all but about 6 tomato plants out of 36 and all of my pepper plants. I put plastic over everything, but only the corn lived through it. The plastic should have held up to a light frost, but...
  4. G

    Okra Seeds?

    I'll be planting okra next week if our soil has warmed back up. We have always just planted it shallow in very warm soil, but lately I've had several people tell me they sprout their seeds, or dampen them before planting. I had one person tell me they lay theirs out between wet paper towels...
  5. G

    My cherry tree has buds

    Plant more cherry trees. If I remember right you have to have them in pairs for them to fruit. I think they cross pollinate. This may not be the case for all varieties. I remember my mother getting so frustrated when I was a girl after her cherry tree didn't produce fruit for years. She...
  6. G

    My soil building questions and issues. Am I loving my dirt too much!?

    You may want to add some sand in Nifty. It will keep it from being so compacted. BTW, I want one of those homemade sifters in the worst way. I'm adding it to my hardworking honey do list.
  7. G

    llama poo and goat poo - can fresh poo be put into the garden?

    I put horse poo directly in my garden. When I pull a row I put a layer of poo in and then I drag a shovel through to mix it with a little dirt. Then I put in my seeds and cover it over. I don't use any fertilizer, just horse poo and it grows beautifully. I mulch around my plants when they come...
  8. G

    Guinea Pig Litter?

    yep, I compost mine.
  9. G


    You can cook it and freeze. Its great that way. You can also can it, but I don't usually bother canning it. I save canning for things that don't freeze well, but cabbage freezes great if you cook it just till done. I like mine cooked to death, so I freeze it kinda half done to my taste and...
  10. G

    Late Freeze

    We are under a frost warning tonight. I had dh help me cover up everything. Luckily he had a huge roll of plastic. It wasn't quite wide enough to cover all of the corn, but amazingly it was long enough. We took the couple of rows sticking out and covered them with feed sacks. I managed to...
  11. G

    Growing Asparagus

    We are in SC and we plant asparagus in January. I don't know how much luck you will have if you plant it now. I may rot in the ground. You can check clemson extension's gardening page and they have good, reliable instructions on planting in our zone...
  12. G

    Late Freeze

    Its starting to sound as if we are going to have two nights of possible frosts. I'm starting to worry a little more. I can cover, or wet my tomato and pepper plants pretty easily, but I have six cubes of corn that is quite a large area. Do you all think I should cover it. A neighbor told me...
  13. G

    DE for pest control?

    If you spread de in your garden it will kill your bees which are there to pollenate your plants. It is not worth it. Try to find an organic method that will not harm bees.
  14. G

    Late Freeze

    We are in the same boat here in SC tuesday night and I'm going with the sprinklers on. I might cover my really tender bean plants if they are up by then, but everything else is getting wet.
  15. G

    What to plant in the shady spot?

    Thanks! Its too warm here already to plant most of the listed veggies. I did put a little late broccoli in and hopefuly will get one harvest out of it. I didn't know Summer Squash would do well in a little shade. I have a bag full of squash seeds, so I think thats what I'll put there. I...