for sure ... want some GOOD NEWS? Oh! dear the file is too large ... in a nutshell, DJT has withdrawn from the W H O and so has Italy and an African country (the name slips my name, could be Kenya) ... this will only be found on alternate media
I think that "progress" (was blamed when we were not happy will "new tech") has made us lazy, complacent, unsular, and so much more ... wish we could go back to basics. I wouldn't mind having a donkey and cart to get around : ) : ) : )
Yes, we are working on a platform and drainage, where we can erect some "tunnel" poles and cover this with bird wire, to keep as much out as possible. Bought some "commercial grade" black bird wire from ebay months ago, and it is like a woman's net stocking (very flimsy). I'm hoping to find a...