Recent content by Moon888

  1. Moon888

    The Cat's Outta the Bag!

    Kitty n a Box
  2. Moon888

    Fun Fact about Kale

    This must be why my peafowl are super smart, when they have had a meal of kale : ) : ) : )
  3. Moon888

    What are your favorite perennial flowers?

    This is what cam up for me when I searched "Cimicifuga" ...
  4. Moon888

    Weeding Techniques

    Thanks for the tip : )
  5. Moon888

    Fun Fact about Kale

    That's good to know; on my list now for when I get my "Tulsi Garden" up and growing : ) Got any good recipes?
  6. Moon888

    What are your favorite perennial flowers?

    Anything that flowers more than most, and has a fragrance : )
  7. Moon888

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    My favourite animal is the deer ... I believe that not many people are happy for them to roam their gardens (esp vege gardens)
  8. Moon888

    Concerned About Growing Old?

    Yes, and now we are facing the "fix" : )
  9. Moon888

    Best Composting Tips

    what did you make your compost heap with? Got any pics? Thanks Linda
  10. Moon888

    Concerned About Growing Old?

    for sure ... want some GOOD NEWS? Oh! dear the file is too large ... in a nutshell, DJT has withdrawn from the W H O and so has Italy and an African country (the name slips my name, could be Kenya) ... this will only be found on alternate media
  11. Moon888

    Concerned About Growing Old?

    Yes mee too, but how I fantasise about the ideal world, where we go back to basics : )
  12. Moon888

    Concerned About Growing Old?

    Yes, those were The Days; how can we get them back (the good aspects that is)
  13. Moon888

    Concerned About Growing Old?

    I think that "progress" (was blamed when we were not happy will "new tech") has made us lazy, complacent, unsular, and so much more ... wish we could go back to basics. I wouldn't mind having a donkey and cart to get around : ) : ) : )
  14. Moon888

    Joy in the Little Things

    They sure will, and already do, just one of them could be the parent : ) : ) : )
  15. Moon888

    A Seed Saver's Garden

    Yes, we are working on a platform and drainage, where we can erect some "tunnel" poles and cover this with bird wire, to keep as much out as possible. Bought some "commercial grade" black bird wire from ebay months ago, and it is like a woman's net stocking (very flimsy). I'm hoping to find a...