Recent content by pretty40acres

  1. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    I agree completely! :D
  2. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    Sounds fun! I would've loved doing that! I :toolswas so sneaky;) Especially when it came to good home grown goodies!
  3. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    Oh! I love figs! :thumbsup So yummy!!!!! I used to climb our fig tree when I was a kid and have myself a snack. Yes, I did get in alot of trouble when I was a kid! My mom and grandma couldn't keep me out of the trees or the garden when I was growing up. I would get my legs switched for eating...
  4. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    You guys have great pics! Everything looks so good! :celebrate When I was a kid I used to eat rhubarb straight off the plant ( the edible part). I would carry a bowl of sugar around and dip it in my sugar bowl and eat it that way.
  5. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    I love seeing everyone's pics! :ya You guys are so inspiring! I am lovin it! :celebrate
  6. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    Here are pics of my son's garden. His veggies just started but they seem to be doing good! He started most of his seed indoors this late winter.
  7. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    I didn't realize my other pics were so small til now so I will post them again here. :tools updated pic of our main salad garden. We have from right to left.... peas, onions, radishes, turnips and beets, lettuce, zucchini and squash, onions, cucumbers. We also have tomatoes, sunflowers, korean...
  8. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    We are in southern Indiana. Yes, those are onions in my tractor tire. We use our old tires in the gardens. I am gonna post some more pics for yall. Pics of our taters and my son's garden too. He is 15 and he made his own garden by himself the first time this year. His garden looks awesome!
  9. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    Some updated pics of our gardens!
  10. pretty40acres

    Please help me figure these out

    Thank you for your help! :)
  11. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    Just a few of my flowers that have bloomed! :tools
  12. pretty40acres

    Please help me figure these out

    Wow! Thank you! I just looked it up and it is the type I wanted to begin with. Thank you so much! :happy_flower
  13. pretty40acres

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    This is just our small garden in the side yard.We have already harvested radishes, onions, and lettuce from this one. We will have 4 gardens total this year. I will post pics of the others once we get them planted and get everything growing. :tools
  14. pretty40acres

    Please help me figure these out

    I don't know if they stay red or if they change colors. I haven't been able to find much info about them since I got them. I am not even sure if that is the real name or if that's what they call those around here. I wish I knew what they are.
  15. pretty40acres

    Please help me figure these out

    YAY!!!!!!!:weee I GOT IT!!!!!