Recent content by seedcorn

  1. seedcorn

    Sentry, Baymule’s Livestock Guard Dog

    Dogs do have a way to sneak into your life and heart.
  2. seedcorn


    To be near Grands & as we age with more health problems, don’t want kids to have to drive 5 hours to help. My folks moved 8 hours away when healthy & then as health problems came, I was driving 8 hours one way to help. Then the guilt, when u are helping folks, things aren’t getting done at...
  3. seedcorn


    Not for me. Had pneumonia vac
  4. seedcorn


    @digitS' I’m going farther south to Warrick county. Any farther south I’d be in river or Kentucky. Been fighting pneumonia for about 8 weeks so I’m way behind on every. So much for the pneumonia shot.
  5. seedcorn

    Baymule’s Farm

    If tire is still good, just buy an inner tube. Cheap and easy.
  6. seedcorn

    Baymule’s Farm

    Everyone sees you as a saint but this proves you are evil! Makes my mouth water and I can’t even smell it…….😜
  7. seedcorn

    Baymule’s Farm

    You are evil! Sharing pix of chicken fried steaks……. Love that meal!
  8. seedcorn

    Meat Farms and Animal Rescue

    I never understood why it’s OK to eat beef, pork, etc but horse meat is a huge NO NO. I would have slaughter houses as near the supply as possible. Fish are treated 100X worse to process than any commercial raised animal for meat. But they aren’t cute and cuddly. Most states are loaded...
  9. seedcorn

    Meat Farms and Animal Rescue

    Never ending supply? Tell your neighbor to build more pens, capture more hogs and utilize them. I don’t want to hear he’s only got so much time/energy. Tell him to work 24/7/365, sleep is over rated. :)
  10. seedcorn

    Baymule’s Farm

    Impressive! Great food for your family & 2 less pests to deal with. Win Win
  11. seedcorn

    Meat Farms and Animal Rescue

    please explain how shipping that industry to other countries stops the abuse? Wouldn’t it have been better to mandate ethical treatment of animals in this country & penalize foreign import? I have NO problem that what you described is horrible. Similar reason I will never buy or eat veal...
  12. seedcorn

    Meat Farms and Animal Rescue

    current PMU production has moved overseas How does that stop the abuse? Just we don’t see it? That is the American way, don’t see it, it doesn’t exist so I can continue to buy/use. That is What happened to our vegetable farms-shipped to other countries where slave labor and banned in USA...
  13. seedcorn

    Meat Farms and Animal Rescue

    We have a huge disconnect about what people think they know about the food chain and what is real. I blame that on AG failing to educate and educators to teach it. Let me address just one misunderstanding. Hogs on pasture are better off. Late spring, early summer, late summer through fall...
  14. seedcorn

    Sentry, Baymule’s Livestock Guard Dog

    Better a freak accident than a dog fight
  15. seedcorn

    Meat Farms and Animal Rescue

    If people want to make a difference, go after the dog/cat abusers. They are everywhere & easy to find. But that would mean stepping up & being identified.