stubbed toes and mud pies


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
sadly our neighbor to the north of us passed away. he was a good guy, but with what happened to him recently it was a blessing that he could go quickly. RIP friend. i spent quite a few hours sitting and talking with him.


Garden Addicted
Nov 24, 2020
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest
as a kid i was very allergic and reactive to many foods including peanut butter, citrus of any kinds plus many other things including eggs.

i went once a week for many years to a doctor to get stuck with needles full of things to get me to where i could survive most buffets without too much to worry about.

however, i've also had bad batches of peanut butter that did get me to react to them and i stopped eating peanut butter for a few years and was careful when i started up again. now i eat roasted peanuts and peanut butter practically every day. with citrus i eat a small orange or some lime or lemon once in a while without any problem but if i eat a lot i will break out in small bumps in reaction and i have very bad reactions to cleaning stuff that has orange oil in it. lemon is not so bad, but overall most smelly stuff will bother me and garden plants of various kinds are also reactive for me so i have to be careful around plants i don't know (lavender i can react to like poison ivy and lilacs are also very bad and i have to get away from them if they are blooming).
I feel lucky not to have many food allergies. I once had a bad reaction after eating dungeness crab that was exposed to too much red tide! That was scary! My lip swelled up after I ate so I quickly took some Benadryl and then I was ok.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
winds really knocked things around here and took the power down yesterday and again this morning.

i have a piece of that heavy black plastic edging that was on the pathway that is now moved 30 feet to the north. it was down on the pathway and it is protected by some fence so you would think that would have kept it from being blown around. it's not moved much before since i moved it there last summer. what it actually looks like to me is that some drunk got out there on a Friday night and tried to drag it away, but there's a fence up that they'd have had to get through to get to the edging and really, why?!? just why?? so no, i don't think it was that... just the winds were rather ferocious.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
robins are back. :) i mentioned to Mom that they should be back soon - i was looking out the window and saw a lighter colored bird that wasn't a grackle so it might have been, but without my glasses on at the moment i wasn't sure. after putting my glasses on one of them decided to fly up on top of the clematis trellis and yep, it was definitely a robin.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
washing machine did not get fixed today. guy put in new part, we ran it through the quick cycle, worked ok, i was firing it up on the bulky setting when he left thinking it would finish ok. nope. called them back. now they have more parts on order. maybe this next time we get it fixed for sure? dunno. my money is on probably not at this point. Mom not going to be happy when she gets home... (my new ETTF is three weeks...).

oh well, it just goes with having a pretty much almost unproductive day. i did get some things swept out of the garage and off the driveway and i've enjoyed watching the killdeer run around (looks like three males chasing a single female - she already likely knows which one she'll pick).

i did make some small headway on my website tasks but nothing that shows up yet on-line... i want to redo it or something... it needs some updates to fit with the newer version of software i'm using to generate the files and structure, but i've never cared to dig into it this much before so i do like that i'm learning some new things, but it comes at a time when i really shouldn't be doing it... (i do actually tend to be a lot more efficient and productive when there's a lot of stuff going on all at once, but it's a very stressful things for me because i'm very task oriented and so the way i have to get through it is to keep my mental list going and break everything down into a lot of tasks so i get to check them off as i get them done :) )... p.s. i've only been procrastinating on this website stuff for, um, *mumble* years. i really should have done this long ago to begin with... p.p.s. *mumble* may be greater than five...
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Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
will be at garden club meeting i hope. waiting for loading up car and getting going until someone gets back from running errands.

otherwise i have not got much done today that is useful but at least nothing broke. :)


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
one pile of paperwork was gone through and the stuff i didn't need was shredded (i go through and remove the plastic stuff, labels and stamps first because shredding those and feeding them to the worms means it eventually ends up in a garden and i've already learned how much fun it isn't to pick those bits of plastic out of the gardens - i'm still picking some over 10 years later) and maybe i can get some more done today, but i'm not making any promises. :)


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Friday i was able to get the worms checked on and fed. they're not doing that great this year and they didn't last year either. too many changes and not the right kind of soil for them and pretty much the worms i used to keep that did well are not in the mix any longer. what remains are slower growing earth worms and not the composting worms that went after the organic material better (and they were also not red wrigglers).

so this coming spring after i get the worm buckets emptied into the gardens i have to completely clean out the buckets and then fill them part way with garden soil i want to recharge and then get some replacement worms of the kind i'd like to use again and start over.

when i empty the buckets though i need to set aside some of the small spiders i use for helping to control fungus gnats. they're very helpful and very cute. :)

at least that's the plan. :) :) :)


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
bounced out of sleep after a short period of time where i pretty much went right into REM sleep. 20 minute or so power nap i guess it was...

was working on redoing website (not even close to having that done yet) and that is a challenge since i'm starting over and want to learn it from the starting point and then add all the things back that i want to keep.

my existing website uses a theme from someone else but i've never gone through it entirely to know exactly how it all works (it really isn't that complicated compared to things i've done in the past, i just lost interest in figuring it out since it is not at all like what i really had more fun with before).

the old theme i used has been changed and updated over the years but i didn't like the direction the author went with it so i stopped following all his changes and his newer themes. which means that the current version of the website generator i use and a more current theme won't render my website at all.

i know the parts i need to get in there and i know the very rough ideas behind things, but i don't know the nit picky details. :) a good project for a week of non-gardening-outdoors-or-related weather.
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