Ducks ALIVE in 2025!


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Everyone needs a little bit of basil in their lives. This has been a seed starting learning experience for me. Good thing I used cheap seeds! The first batch dried out and I had to replant. I have a ziplock bag cover, but it's very wet TODAY, so I will let it dry out a Bit, then cover again.

Basil, 03-28-25.jpg


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
For those of you pondering using coffee grounds, I want to tell you what I have learned.
First, I was on all 4 forums back in 2009, when I joined up, and WIFEZILLA (RIP) and I had LONG discussions about coffee and tea and using either/both for gardening.
First, we determined after our research that coffee is stale when you buy it pre ground. IF not, the packaging would explode under the pressure of the gases breaking down. Tea will outlast YOU if stored properly.
Secondly, just like pine needles which, by right Should break down quickly, coffee grounds take a couple of years to break down for garden use. First year they will break up your soil, but they will not fertilize it first year.
Thirdly, you can ONLY grow seeds in fresh coffee grounds IF the seeds/bulbs will grow in straight water.
Fourthly, I was blessed with a composter that you turn when you add stuff to it. PRIMARILY, I add used coffee grounds with the filter. I also add used tea bags and Their packaging/tea filter (if I make a batch with my old, but reliable tea maker.)
Yes, I started adding to this composter in January, and in the winter, not much happens. WHEN it becomes soil, I will let you know, but it hasn't happened yet.
I may need to remove the contents and pile them up for a year to be able to use them.
Just some food for thought, and you might want to have some scones with that.
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Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
Coffee grounds, being acidic, are also probably a good top dressing for acidic loving vegetables. I have added fresh coffee to my carrot rows several times, and even the bean transplants. Bugs loathe the smell and steer clear of plants surrounded by the grounds. Great pest deterrent, though I imagine used coffee grounds would have a less potent odour.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Coffee grounds, being acidic, are also probably a good top dressing for acidic loving vegetables. I have added fresh coffee to my carrot rows several times, and even the bean transplants. Bugs loathe the smell and steer clear of plants surrounded by the grounds. Great pest deterrent, though I imagine used coffee grounds would have a less potent odour.

if fresh coffee grounds would keep squash bugs and borers away it might be worth it for some people... finding the minimum effective dose.

i still haven't taken the old frozen squash out of the freezer to use for feeding the worms... i keep forgetting because it is so buried back in the corner that i hardly ever see it in there. that's also why it doesn't get eaten. now though it is so old i wouldn't even try to eat it as the smell will likely be freezer smell and that turns my stomach (which will be another challenge when i do finally get it out of the freezer and try to use it - my best approach will probably be to take it out of the freezer and break it into chunks and bury those in a garden when i'm doing some garden prep).


Deeply Rooted
Jul 22, 2024
Reaction score
I have one product for you, my friend...
View attachment 73599
Is that for the gardener , garden or both? 🤦‍♀️

How bout Vaseline, Hairspray and cooking oil , coconut oil , Pepsi/coke/dr pepper….and milk . All have their use to discourage pests and fungus in the garden . Milk mixed with water and a few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle is my go to when fungus appears on my dahlia collection. It smothers the bugs that spread the disease and the fungus.
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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Seeds outside got watered in the heavy rain an hour ago. Tornado warning, too! 🌪️
I watered my jugs, REseeded the cauliflower, spinach and cabbage jugs, used a funnel to cover with vermiculite before running the jugs under the outside tap, then grabbed some jug tops and 3 wine/liquor corks that I used to use to stop up wine bottles. You never know what items that you have hoarded will be good for. :rolleyes:
Looked for pictures of those that I use Now...guess I'll have to take one and post it. Binny's was selling them--a few years ago they were $1/piece and were shiny light blue, gold, pink and red, so I bought several and gave some to family for Christmas presents.
I used a funnel to get the seeds and vermiculite back in the jugs.
The Mesclun lettuce and little gem lettuce are doing great.
A couple of leeks are peeking up.
Onion Granos are sprouting.
3 Spinach are up.
Now that all have a top on their jugs I expect to see more growth in a good week.
Considering that we had Maybe 60-70mph winds, I am happy that I put these jugs in the window wells.
They Would have blown away.
I am afraid that only some of the radishes that I planted a month ago are up, along with weed seeds. I will give them another week, then I will start weeding my 3' x 6' salad and replant the radishes.
I plan to transplant lettuce from the jugs when they are big enough.
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