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  1. X

    My indoor LED powered garden

    Hi Organics North, You can't compare lumens to PAR output. While T-5's/ tubes have a lot more lumen per watt, LEDs put out similar PAR output to metal halides at a lower wattage. If you want to compare true plant grow power, you'd have to be comparing PAR values and not lumen output. It's PAR...
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    My indoor LED powered garden

    A sneak peak at the second new light. Using reflectors to concentrate more PAR in smaller area. :cool: And my terrarium powered by a cree MC-e LED. 12 watts of power. The terrarium is home to mainly sundews. IT's been up for a bout 3 months. The sundews started flowering about a month...
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    My indoor LED powered garden

    Hi, Thanks for the comments. hypnofrogstevie I don't mean to be a downer but I don't think that type of setup would give you much growth. Maybe just for starting seedlings. The way you want to go is with the high power LEDs such as cree and bridgelux. I can't imagine what a pita it would be...
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    My indoor LED powered garden

    Hello, I'm new here and fairly new to plants. I just decided to start keeping plants indoors since I live in apartment. I don't have a balcony, but still wanted a garden of some sort. The solution was indoor growing with LED lights. My journey all started in the spring of 2010 with trying to...