This week I tilled and rake a large area of the garden. I have a huge bruise to show for it. I planted:
Black eyed peas
lima beans
Sunflower seed.
Bell peppers, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, Rosemary, flat leaf parsley and did a lot of raking. Tomorrow I hope to get some more done. But we also have got to get a chicken coop built. We have outgrown the one we built last year.
They are in the V in the main trunk of the tree. I had picked them all off yesterday and just checked and so far they seem to be gone. I will keep checking daily. If the freeze tonight does not kill any apples I would hate the bagworms to get them. This is our third year in the house and so far...
Those are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Could I run them along my pasture fence?
I did not realize that it took 6 years before they fruit. What would happen if you did not trim them back?
Oh yeah... Like infected cotton candy. That would be it.. I could not have said it any better. :gig,:lau,:gig,:lau
I pulled most out yesterday we sprinkled with sevin dust today and tomorrow we will torch.. It is a little dark tonight. But we when we went out it looked like I had gotten and...
Finished planting onions and finally got the strawberry plants in the ground. Funny thing is when we went to plant them half of them were missing. So instead of having 50 we had 25. Which was strange because a while back I put two bundles of 25 in the earth in a clump just to keep them alive...
We call them bag worms. They hang in the joints of the trees in what look almost like a spiders web. Last year they ate every leaf on the tree. This year I am trying to control them. I have removed them for the last two days and killed them. Tried to feed them to the chickens but they won't even...
My husband said the same thing that I should be glad we are getting rain after we have been in the drought for so long. All I want is like you said 2-3 days of sun so I can till and get my plants in the ground. I am planting my onion set regardless of what mess I make this afternoon with...
My garden spot will not dry out enough so that I can till. I am so ready to plant. I am hoping to get the onions and strawberries in tomorrow before it rains again on Wednesday. :barnie
The source is a local coffee roaster. But I called the guy several times today but never caught him in. I will try again tomorrow.
What if I put newspaper or cardboard under the burlap? I like the burlap Chia pet but had rather not have it in my garden.:lau
I just found a source for burlap bags on Craigslist. I am going to give them a call today to schedule pickup. I am thinking these will be wonderful to use around plants to keep down weeds and hold in moisture. What else can I use these for? The guy said he has hundreds. Not sure how many he will...
What secrets have you found work for you with the companion planting? Have you ever let the cucumbers run up the corn? What about the recomendation of sunflowers in the same row as the corn. Strawberries and onions do you grow them in the row to either side? I was going to use weed cloth under...
I understand the seed collecting term. I have made two trips for seeds and still need more.
I have bought:
Corn 3 types
cucumbers pickling and long
pole beans
shellie beans
butter beans
brussel sprout plants
brocilli plants
butternut squash
It is okay but leaves out a lot. I was a little dissapointed. I find that I am sticking things inside the cover like a when to plant guide from the feed store and a printout on companion planting.
So I spent an hour laying out my plans for a new garden then I decided that I should check to see which plants I should grow together. Well I found this great website that tells you which plants/herbs/flowersgrow best together or should be planted in other parts of the garden. I thought it was...
Well I almost started planting today. I went to the feed store this morning and bought brussel sprout and broccoli plants, also onion sets which I wanted to get in the ground today. But the tiller is not running right so it has to go back to the shop this next week. I bought 38 dollars of plants...
I have a friend with horses that said I could get all the manure I wanted but she cautioned the year she used it in her garden it was over run with chickweeds. From the horses eating the weeds and it coming through into the manure. Has anyone else ever heard about this or had the same problem?