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  1. G

    Butternut squash growing to an inch then falling off

    Thank you, I will try it. Looks like I am having the same problem with my acorn squash. This has been a bad garden year at my house. :(
  2. G

    What did you pick today?

    Nccountrygirl, How do you prep your tomatoes for the freezer? I have a bunch I need to do something with today.
  3. G

    Butternut squash growing to an inch then falling off

    I have a healthy butternut squash plant that has produced two little squash only to have the squash die and fall off right after the bloom dies. Could it not be being polinated? How do I hand polinate? I have another squash that just bloomed today.
  4. G

    Broadcasting seeds

    I did nibble on a few and could taste the mustard greens in the mix. A whilted greens salad sounds like a good way to thin and an added bonus of a good side at the same time. I love things like greens in salads but my husband is a purist when it comes to his salad.
  5. G

    Newcomer from NC

    I found this wonderful site through BYC. My husband and I moved out to 7 acres a year ago. Last year with the move I was not able to put in a garden. This year I started a raised bed but so far it has done less than expected in fact it has prodcued more cost than produce. I have added some...
  6. G

    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    Cackle on BYC... Was already taken on this site.
  7. G

    Broadcasting seeds

    I was reading in Storey's Basic Country Skills the broadcast method for wide row gardening. I tried this last weekend using green and turnip seeds in my raised bed but it seems like the plants are close together and I am wondering if I should start thining them. They also seem a little leggy is...