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  1. Z


    Thank you all for your imput what I was thinking was putting the chicken poo between the beds to keep the weeds down and next year adding it to the beds.My concern would be this year would the poo run under the beds and harm the roots.The raised beds are 2 X 12 with about 10 in. of soil .
  2. Z


    I did add fruit and veg.but the chickens got most of it.
  3. Z


    I have chickens and over the winter I cleaned out the coop about once a week.I now have a pile which I have now layered with leaves that I also had in a pile.It is very hot,will the heat harm the worms and how soon can I use the mulch.Also I have raised beds 4 ft X 8 ft with 3 ft space between...
  4. Z

    Plants Bolting

    I live in New Hampshire and just built a greenhouse,is it better to use glass windows or plastic.The glass will let in more light the plastic is translucent.Also the last time I tried starting plants inside they bolted ,got long and stringy.How do you stop that.