Hi Steve:
I'm from Minnesota, zone 4a, so I understand the whole "short season thing. Planting anything before Memorial Day was fraught and anything that didn't ripen by Labor day - forget it.
Now that I'm living here in California, zone 15, I really am pretty lost. Feel like I'm starting all...
Thanks for the suggestions. They sound great. I'll check them out.
I may try the Anna just cuz of the name and if DH doesn't like it, I'll eat them with DS.
EE's apparently take a long time to sex. Don't know about the Ameracaunas though. Hope you're right. Do you have plans for what you're going to do with the roos yet?
DH hates San Marzano tomatoes. (Note - DH grew up in Bologna, Italy and also hates tomato-based sauces!) He discovered this summer that he's okay with heirloom tomatoes. He prefers the slightly-crunchy texture more than the pastiness of the San Marzano, and that they don't taste like the San...