Absolutely, a Lot of work!
I guess everybody tries something impossible, like buying a gardenia and trying to overwinter it and watching it die!
Been there, done that ($75 tree, on clearance for $16).
When I was still in the hospital and still under a nerve block, a nurse took me to a freestanding set of stairs to practice.
Pretty easy, going UP, left leg (supporting leg) steps up, then right leg meets on same step.
Going DOWN, right leg goes down first, then left leg joins.
I am verbally...
Today Eldest DD is making the traditionally Pre Thanksgiving Turkey dinner, to take any bugs out of the real one later this month.
She has that really rich broth that I made recently. I will get even More bones and vegetables to make MORE really rich turkey broth.
Btw, starting walking some...
When I took out the 8 yews, south side of the garage, I used my reciprocating saw, sawed and kept digging until I found their tap roots. Yes, these were much smaller, but concept is similar.
Tree Growers root prune. You could do the same and help to kill the stump that way, too...
IF there is nothing flammable close by, so no chance of a an out of control fire, you could soak the stump with diesel fuel and give it a slow burn.
Since we burn ALL of the time here, ANYTHING green will take if you...
I watch a Lot of gardening programs. I see many professional gardeners cover up soil next to their crops with "garden plastic."
Are they just using plastic?!?!?
I keep learning things that I have read, so when I use cardboard boxes, NOW I take the time to remove the packing tape.
I have had...