I am cleaning my tiny shop today and preparing for a soft open from next week. The light and music is on, and everything is again clean and shining.
Somehow, I feel that I opened a small time capsule today and received a gift from 2023 version of me. Yes, everything inside this space was...
The second phase of this small hoop tunnel begins - all plastic planters were out, and the warmth-loving plants (majorly tomato) moved in. For the third phase (after tomatoes), it will be used for growing greens again.
I am also trying this watering method.
This morning, I transplanted...
Once, it's a lawn, and now, there are so many different plants growing in the different corners. It's beautiful, however, mowing is also more complicated. It's impossible for me to use only the mower like our neighbors. Usually, I need the mower, grass shear, and also the trimmer.
Since this...
Yes! But now I am a bit too much in the gardener mode, hahaha. I didn't expect (or believe) that it will be finalized so soon, and thought the shop might open in autumn. :lol:
Well, I will prepare for the soft open anyway, let's see. :D
Rainy day, I just did three things in the garden - harvested loads of salad green when there was no rain yet in the early morning, used the electrical trimmer to clean the edges of pavers, and guarded my young plants with a flash light and the scissor - to kill as many slugs as possible.
You are right, I already chopped them and threw to the bio trash bin. Originally, I thought it might be the apple rose (rosa rugosa), but after some closer looks, mmm, not what I thought.
We had a lovely Sunday with friends at home.
Two types of homemade sandwiches and fruits
Two types of cake rolls - Japanese Matcha & Raspberries / Cacao and Banana
Flowers from the garden~
Basic set-up
Dogs are happy, too - they have their special lunch set :D
Spring collection, starting from Brassicas that bolt, lady's mantles that are ready to shine, other plants with lovely shapes and color patterns on the leaves - and a mini daily bouquet is there to brighten any corner in the house.
I like this kind of mini bouquet very much. Every...
Another day with super heavy rain, so, it's time to stay indoors for reading and chores.
The flowers picked yesterday - they look gorgeous after resting over night.
There is an introduction of Green lacewings - it's great to learn about that their larvae are known as "aphid lions" (also...
About three weeks ago, I pinched the tops of Dahlias that I grew from seeds and propagated them as cuttings. Some make it, and some don't. For those successfully rooted, it's time to give them their own cells.
Meanwhile, the pruned Stevia cuttings were soaked in water. I didn't have any...
Rained in the morning, so I only did some weeding when the rain paused. The rest of the time, just enjoy reading gardening magazine and Netflix.
Bobo and Momo were doing their sniffing here and there while I was weeding. It seems that they like the same spot.
The soft pink one is even more...