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  1. Artichoke Lover


    Stayed up late ripping out carpet. Now my knees are killing me. Unfortunately, I still have to get the room put back together this morning. Hopefully a cup of coffee and some Advil do their jobs.
  2. Artichoke Lover

    Farmer Market

    That’s what I was thinking too. I’d need at least 3 different ones to do this in my area even just for a one day thing.
  3. Artichoke Lover


    Got back to the family members house safe. Another 1/2 of rain and the bridge will be under water though. Since the rain was chasing us home and more is on the way I’m just going to stay at their house for the night and try to make it home tomorrow afternoon. Everyone at home is disappointed...
  4. Artichoke Lover


    We have gotten there safe. We some some flooding. One of the shopping centers had several feet of water but we didn’t see any on the road. Now we just have to get home before the next line of storms hits about lunch.
  5. Artichoke Lover


    The whole central area of the state got 5-6 inches overnight. Flooding everywhere. I’m supposed to be taking a family member to the doc. Not sure we’re making it to the making it this morning since I think every single road into the city is flooded. No coffee needed though the thunder nearly...
  6. Artichoke Lover


    Had coffee and cereal this morning. The dog found the largest rat snake I’ve ever seen in the yard. She had it pinned down for awhile before I realized what was going on. Scared the crap out of me for a minute because I was worried she might have a copperhead or rattler. Just a massive rat snake...
  7. Artichoke Lover

    Farmer Market

    I loved going to the farmers market when we lived in the burbs. I still stop by the one in my old town occasionally. But we got lucky when we moved and now we live nearly within walking distance of several of the same farms that supply the market so I don’t go very often.
  8. Artichoke Lover


    Finally got some new coffee. Just the crappy dollar general brand but it’s not half bad. Have got a lot done in the garden and now I’m moving on to clearing stuff out in the house. I’m trying to decide if I want to get rid of most of my extra yarn. I haven’t finished a knitting or crochet...
  9. Artichoke Lover

    Home Repairs

    I hope they get this fixed soon. The moisture and mold on your walls makes me very concerned about what might be growing side the walls or attic or crawl space if you have one. Unfortunately the mold doesn’t just go away once the water leaks are fixed. I had friends that have developed life long...
  10. Artichoke Lover


    Got our first rain in 2-3 weeks. The garden grew 3 inches overnight and my sinuses are suddenly clear.
  11. Artichoke Lover

    Favorite Lettuce?

    The favorite around here is Black Seeded Simpson. It is easier to grow than a lot of others and it’s very mild and tender.
  12. Artichoke Lover


    Lots of coffee this morning. Stayed up too late and got up too early. I’ve got make a trip to town today too. A fun one though. Going to get birthday presents for some friends and on the way I’m going to stop in my favorite used bookstore.
  13. Artichoke Lover


    Still haven’t caught. Or seen the big rat but I got 4 of the smaller ones today. 3 on the same trap as the best bait for a rat seems to be dead rat🤮🤮🤮 The 5 chicks are doing good and momma hen is looking after them well. All are different colors. I also realized the 4 Easter Eggers all have...
  14. Artichoke Lover


    We have babies today!
  15. Artichoke Lover

    Price increases and shortages

    If gas rates go that high a lot of my friends will be close to spending 1/4 of their paychecks just getting to work. There’s no public transit here and walking/biking isn’t safe. Cars are the only transportation we have.
  16. Artichoke Lover

    Dreams and their Meaning

    Had a mildly interesting dream last night. The subject matter wasn’t very interesting probably to anyone but me. (Used book browsing) but what was interesting was the vividness. In the dream I have found old copies of the Dune series,which I’d never read, and I was inspecting them. I could smell...
  17. Artichoke Lover


    Unfortunately pulled a muscle. I’m starting to think the rat is a bit more clever than me. It’s missing fur from glue traps. A tail from the snap trap and it chewed through the side of a bucket trap:he
  18. Artichoke Lover


    I’ve got chicks hatching under a broody tomorrow. So I’ve been cleaning the coop and placing traps to try to catch the rats in the coop so they are no longer a threat. I may have pulled something placing a trap in the rafters. I’m excited to see what colors I get as these hatching eggs came from...
  19. Artichoke Lover

    Rhododendrons and ?

  20. Artichoke Lover


    Oh gosh. Sounds like me. I’ve stepped backwards off the sidewalk and landed flat in my back on more than one occasion. It’s a wonder I haven’t cracked my head or been run over!