Picked yellow squash, green beans, some initial bell peppers to help mature the plants. Cut chard, pulled radishes. Put out pine bark mulch on the blackberries, fertilized, watered, picked up sticks. Watered some ornamentals.
I only have one teensy tidal wave of a concern. If I make it too mucky, where it does not drain well, then a classic problem also found in hugelkulture of hillsides can occur. Water can build up if not allowed to drain, and since it is so heavy it can burst a dam. It is best if nothing of value...
It belongs to these guys. But I have a heavy duty sewing machine and fully intend to use weed fabric in a way for which it is not intended.
I have a tip. Put compost and sand in a weatherable bag for small retaining walls, then plant in the upper face of the bag for a living retaining wall.
I use some odd sized plots for onions this year and went out and weeded them the other day. They are just big enough to stretch me. I came in with quads that felt jelly.
My wife had a need to organize curbside plantings at various intersections around town. I heard the same comment.
How some ladies can bend at the waist and my grandfather could squat in the garden for hours kills me. I am good at neither so I wear brown pants.
Haha I do not feel so bad! I increased my kitchen garden to 2000 feet and finished the deer fencing today. But I do not have a tractor though you are making me want one very badly!
I grabbed a roll of fence wire and a couple of bundles of T-posts for the garden expansion. And cat treats.
I put out about 130lbs of 13-13-13 around a lot of plants. I hope it helps the recovery from the hard freeze so late in the year.
My elderly neighbor (94) was very excited to tell me that when his gardener took up the strips of black weed cloth he had them install last year that nothing was left under them. Around here that means nutsedge too.