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  1. Larisa

    It's That Moosey Time of Year Again

    I love to look at them (from afar). Moose live freely in Moscow, in the park "Elk Island". Everyone understands that it is a wild animal, and you can not approach them close. But there is always someone "smart" who thinks that can come up and pat. Then this "smart" gets an unforgettable flight...
  2. Larisa

    Over Night Temperatures

    The last few nights we had rain. 34 °F. Today it snowed during the night. 5°F. Meteorologists promise us -22°F in the near future. It seems that the weather held a New Year's holidays in the cheapest bar, but the money for a snack ended sooner than alcohol. Global warming is similar to global...
  3. Larisa


    Here also. It is necessary to hear the opinion of several doctors, create their own "working version" and read the medical literature. One day I saw my son a tumor on his leg. The old doctor said - he needed surgery. However, the young doctor has a different diagnosis and said that it will...
  4. Larisa

    Happy New Year Dear TEG Friends

    I do not think it can be found in English. It Slavo - Aryan Vedas or Book of Wisdom of Perun. (Not the Indian Vedas) Then, "Book of Veles". Alternative history, which is written on the golden tables (first source). Part found in Romania in 1875, during the construction of farm buildings for the...
  5. Larisa

    Happy New Year Dear TEG Friends

    2017 will be marked by a fiery rooster. Rooster - a bird with a loud voice, bright plumage. He brings new life, vitality, and banishes the darkness of evil. Rooster always carries a new - He wakes up at first light and reported all of the occurrence of a new day. The element of fire in the...
  6. Larisa

    Merry Christmas

    No one sleeps!!! Here the evening! Merry Christmas!
  7. Larisa

    Garden humor thread..

  8. Larisa

    The working corral is ready

    I agree with the @baymule! It certainly should be part of the chronicle by family . Apotheosis of dreams! It looks as if the first series of touching movie with a happy ending ended , but all waiting for the continuation.
  9. Larisa

    Merry Christmas
  10. Larisa

    Flowers at home.

    Yes, he thinks so too!:D
  11. Larisa

    Lost my best friend yesterday :(

    Once my dog is gone, it seemed to me that she was still in the house. It seemed to me that it goes somewhere, and I hear her footsteps. So sorry. :hugs
  12. Larisa

    Flowers at home.

    Yes, Christmas cactus blooms forever. This works even for my children, who do not care for him. My younger son gets two chocolate from a vending machine instead of one.:)
  13. Larisa

    Flowers at home.

    Put under a flowering cactus !!! Do not forget that the coins should be 9. It's working fine - simply mystic! ;)
  14. Larisa

    Do You have Winter Chores?

    :yuckyuck Yes there is! It is necessary to remove freckles, to they come back again in the summer!
  15. Larisa

    Flowers at home.

    Thank you, Carol Dee, I will give him your words. They know how to appreciate good thoughts. :) All right, Steve. Perhaps, this is Dr. Freud came to the hedgehog to learn from him. ;)
  16. Larisa

    Flowers at home.

    Once fish lived in the aquarium. Then phalaenopsis lived there. Now there live plants, which do not fit on the windows and shelves.
  17. Larisa

    Flowers at home.

    Under the lamp for plants in bloom Begonia. Streptocarpus Saintpaulia
  18. Larisa

    Rambling on Street View

    I always use. I'm poorly guided in space and I'm the champion to get lost anywhere. Sometimes I walk a route virtually "Street View" several times, then to really go through once.
  19. Larisa

    Flowers at home.

    This time I bought new Epiphyllum 6 different varieties. Now they look like this. It Clerodendrum Schmidtii. When - ever, ideally, it would be so. Now blooming Schlumbergera. And azalea.
  20. Larisa

    Grumble, Grumble

    Amen! Let it happen favorably at the right time!