Today's Pewter PInk flower is much closer to what I thought it should be...
I only know these lilies by name because they came marked on the package... I forget what half of the things in my flowerbeds are called each year! Most all have come from friends and yards I have worked in. Just...
Hi Kate! :frow You are gonna love it here, just be prepared to spend a LOT of time reading threads!
...and don't let @baymule fool ya, some of us are "grumpy old lady Nawthurners"... ;)
I kinda like her too! It was growing up in the country that got me started, we always had huge veggie gardens but Grandma Phyllis was the flower lady. I still have 6 of Gramma's roses that I have moved around with me thru the years. (Three of them are 50+ yrs old...) Mom loves flowers too but...
Then there is Pewter Pink, another that doesn't look like it's pic.
catalog pic:
I am still hoping for Bela Lugosi and Judy Judy to bloom this year but it's ok if they don't. The lilies that have bloomed just have me all aflutter.:love
Now I need to study up, I am wondering if my...
My mom decided I didn't have enuff daylilies, I only had three:
She got me this wonderful collection from Breck's! Yes, my mom is AWSUM!
They came right on time this spring and six have already bloomed for me, just waiting on the Bela Lugosi and Judy Judy. (top left, bottom right)
First to...
These volunteered, so I have a few extra.... hint, hint ;)
And the Himalayan Balsam is edible!
The green seed pods, seeds, young leaves and shoots are all edible.The young shoots and stems are edible, when cooked, but care should be taken as they contain high...
I just go out and "pop" the ripe pods with my hand cupped to catch the seed. It ranks right up there with popping bubble wrap!
Now that I know there is more than the one kind... a google leads me to believe it is bittersweet nightshade. The enchanter's flower isn't right.
What color is it? Can I get some seed, please?
I would hate to have it "get loose" in a larger area such as pasture or along a creek but it seems to work for me in the one area I let it grow. All the others that get transplanted around the yard have a hard time reseeding, those are "high...
The leaves aren't right for nettle:
I was thinking poison oak but that's not right either:
:love:weeekid pics!:weee:love
(I just have chickens and rabbits these days so I have to get my fix vicariously...;))
That stuff even looks itchy! I'm sure someone will know what it is, the collective knowledge of the gardeners here is staggering. I'm kinda new here myself but I will tag @Pulsegleaner for ya, weed IDer extreme, IMHO!!
Good Luck!
(no baby goat pics? you can sneak those in on every post... we...
I did drop the price ($1000 obo) and renewed the ad yesterday, I knew it was steep but it only needs 1 tire. If I was doing long hauls I would want the electric brake but then again I wouldn't do long hauls with this old of trailer, at least not with livestock.
Yep, it's a weed! Beautiful orchid-like flowers on a hollow stalk. When I grow them in full sun they get about 3 feet tall and the stalk is very red, in my shade corner they can get 9'+ and the base of the stem can be as big around as my wrist. The roots seem to crown above ground and they blow...
Hi all! I am sitting up here safe in Idaho, burning to a crisp, and watching Harvey approach Texas on the TV. We get storms up here but not the likes of a hurricane. It has always made me feel bad for the folk who have to deal with the aftermath of any major storm but now I KNOW folk, have...