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  1. lesa

    Boast ! Update Best in Show

    Nicely done! You are entitled to boast!
  2. lesa

    The Potato Farmers

    So nice that you could carry on that tradition. Finally getting my daughter interested in growing things. She is 29, so not nearly as cute as your little helpers!
  3. lesa

    Garden humor thread..

    Ha! I wanted a horse real bad, too! We did have a neighbor who kept a horse in her garage...My friends were nice enough to "share" their horses with me. Just had to do a little shoveling now and then!
  4. lesa

    Dream about Hoodat.

    That is perfect! Thank you for doing that!
  5. lesa

    Lots of Trees Planted

    Motivation is a wonderful thing!! They will have to dig fast, to keep up with all your new tree purchases!
  6. lesa

    Dream about Hoodat.

    Spent some time in the garden today- and my thoughts turned to Hoodat...
  7. lesa


    Hmm, always have done 2 inches...interesting. Just received a bunch of bulbs from a friend. Very excited to get them in the dirt!
  8. lesa

    Hello :)

    Welcome! Welcome! Gardening season is upon us...tell us about yours!
  9. lesa

    It's official, I'm a real tractor chick!

    Lucky you!! We have 2 oldies. You are going to love having that! We have pulled up tree trunks, moved gigantic tv's to the dumpster, plowed the garden, used it with a post hole digger, plowed snow with it, moved bee hives...It can literally plow my garden in less than an hour. That is a 2...
  10. lesa

    Advice needed on container planting...

    Perfect!! Definitely going to try the succulents in mine...if it ever stops snowing! Interesting that the deer don't eat your Rhodi- in NY state they eat the buds during the winter months. So, no flowers in the spring.
  11. lesa

    What is This Stuff ;)?

    That looks delish! Mine is just starting to pop up...
  12. lesa

    Messed Up

    That is a good looking fence! Beautiful! It is hard to kill old roses...I wouldn't give up hope, yet. I can honestly say, I haven't made one mistake this year- of course, I haven't set foot in my garden either!
  13. lesa

    Well Rats!

    Good! Glad you were able to get it outside! Would love to see a pic, if you can...
  14. lesa

    Rodent digging up seeds

    I am betting birds then...A farmer friend has a "cannon" that makes noise to scare the birds away from her fields.
  15. lesa

    Well Rats!

    Oops! So much for that idea! Luna moths are super cool...
  16. lesa

    Dark Ice, a continuation of Okie Ice, very pic heavy

    Not being a fan of ice right now...I still love those pics! You really know your way around that camera... I love the one with the "moon" also. I'm sure you were cold taking those, but it was worth it!!
  17. lesa

    Rodent digging up seeds

    Are you sure it is rodents? I have lost my corn patch seeds 3 times in one year to birds. If it is birds- you can cover the dirt with deer netting. If it is mice- definitely time to start killing them.
  18. lesa

    Question about Pepper planting

    One seed per tray definitely stops the thinning problem. Goes against my grain to kill a little seedling, that I worked so hard to grow! Had a billion broccoli seeds this year and planted a bunch per cell- so I am going to have put my big girl panties on- and cut off the weakest ones...Plant...
  19. lesa

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    In a shocking turn of events....I actually stated my seeds this week. File that under the "better late than never" category! Spring took such a long time to get here- I just couldn't get motivated (and my greenhouse was snowed in!)
  20. lesa

    Gardener's Bucket List

    So lucky, every now and then I remember to watch that show! Sure brightens up a dark, winter day! Azaleas are such a treat- go take a ride!