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    What do YOU plant to attract Monarchs?

    I know this is an old post, but wasn’t sure if you knew you could stream full episodes of mid American gardener on!
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    My marigolds, zinnias, and brussel srpouts are all up within 3 days of sowing!
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I imagine much the same transplant situation for myself. The vast majority of my seeds have been planted in 2 consecutive weekends and will have to wait on both warm weather and making and preparing the beds to transplant them. We'll see!
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    Squash and the yard?

    To the other question, do I need to keep these guys in the safety of my chicken wire?
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    Weather Where You Are

    It must be very relieving to know that God will fix all our mistakes for us, thus we bear no responsibility for our behavior and have no obligation to act. If climate change is not real, pray tell what messes god needs to clean up for us?
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    Weather Where You Are

    Trash is pollution. Burning trash releases compounds with high global warming potentials. Landfills release greenhouse gasses. It is connected.
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    Weather Where You Are

    Fortunately it isn't my job to figure out how to stop the destruction we're doing. My actual job is to track and quantify pollution and identify reasonable means of reduction. This is where I can have the most impact. Because companies are the biggest polluters...
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    Weather Where You Are

    Everyone should be polluting only as much as they have to. Obviously that isn’t where we’re at on things, but that’s the ideal.
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    Squash and the yard?

    Big pumpkins (vif d’etampes), small acorn squash, and then two types of watermelon. I hadn’t thought too much about the grass. It would be the backyard. Having seen my neighbors’ yards, they’re in no place to get upset, but I don’t want rats or vermin to be sure.
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    Squash and the yard?

    I’m looking to destroy as little of the lawn at my rental as possible and wondering if my pumpkins and watermelons can be planted in hills in the middle of my yard. Would just the roots/planting location need to be prepared? Can I just let the vines run out in the grass? I have bunnies and...
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    Weather Where You Are

    I don’t want to touch most of what you’ve said, because science disagrees. I am a chemical engineer and my work is primarily around reducing corporate pollution. It hurts my brain and my heart that people think climate change is something you can choose not to believe in, like ghosts. My career...
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    Baymule’s 2019 Garden

    Thanks for the tip Steve. I'm growing brussel sprouts for the first time this year. Aphids were my arch nemesis in CA where the ants and aphids ran the joint. I couldn't keep a tomato or bouganvilla alive to save my life. I'll be armed with neem oil and watching for them!
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Today I started seeds for 2 onion types, 2 tomato types, broccoli raab, Brussel sprouts, peas, marigolds, zinnias, ground cherries, cilantro, and 2 types of peppers. Also got my dahlia and daffodil bulbs in pots. Next week (hopefully) The last 8 or so seeds I’m waiting on will have arrived and...
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    Looking for gooseberries and currants

    I also bought their blueberry combo and a plum tree. :weee I have a problem. I’m worried come spring my husband will be staging an intervention in the garden.
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    Craigslist and Other Bargains

    Absolutely! Taking care of our planet requires reducing, reusing, and recycling. It’s not the easiest simplest way to handle things, but it’s the responsible way. Buy less, reuse and repurpose what you buy. Pass it onto to someone else if you cannot use it. Donate it if you can’t pass it on...
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    Looking for gooseberries and currants

    Thank you! I went ahead and ordered their currant combo. Passed on the gooseberries, I’m looking for green! But thanks so much for the tip off!
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    Looking for gooseberries and currants

    Does anyone have some some to share? I can paypal or mail shipping money. I ordered both through seed savers and neither seller had them available anymore. I was quite bummed, they were the two things I was most interested in growing this year. Husband really wants them too!
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    2019 Seed Exchange

    Absolutely interested come fall and winter!
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    God and the Garden

    I'm not much of the religious persuasion myself, but always appreciate a good George Bernard Shaw quote and thought you'd all appreciate this one: "The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there."
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    2019 Seed Exchange

    I was also excited to find the dedicatedly exchange forum, but it’s quite dead. I actually came to this site in a really round about way looking for a seed exchange. I had been introduced way back in 2003ish by a friend’s mother to a seed exchange site and had an amazing year getting and growing...