It's slow starting this year, probably because of the drought but it's finally taking off. Popping up farther away from the original clump than I expected. I accidentally hit some shoots with the weed eater where I didn't expect them to be.
Turmeric does not have a strong taste of its own but it has the property of bringing out the taste of spices and foods to make the flavor more intense.
When you hear of free range chickens you picture happy biddies, scratching in the grass, eating bugs, seeds and whatever else there is to eat BUT
Did you know that in order to be labeled free range chickens only need access to the outside for 5 minutes per day? People in maximum security prisons...
That reminds me; I have to make room somehow for my monkeytail cowpeas. The tastiest field peas I ever ate and the tops are good greens for my rabbits. If you have trouble digesting regular beans try cowpeas (also called field peas) They don't have all the complicated compounds your body has to...
For chard just let a couple of them go to seed. You'll be surprised how tall the stalk will get. Over 6 feet sometimes. Let the seed dry on the stalk but harvest as soon as the stalk dies back or it will shatter and you'll have it everywhere. Treat it like beet seed. Like beet seed it is not one...
I am pleasantly surprised by how many plant seeds survived our drought and came up on their own. I was able to get a good meal out of the Gailan by cutting them one by one out of the weeds. I like them in my miso soup. My rainbow chard came up but I am letting that go to seed for the Fall...
Red mustard is even more spectacular and really huge. Now that our drought is over (cross your fingers) I'll plant some again in the Fall. I have some saved seeds but they are four years old so I may have to reorder a new start.
Sad to say our bees were already declining and that four year drought didn't leave them with much. I am planting the best bee attracting plants I know of but sighting of any bees in my garden this year is rare. Hopefully some of those little native bees can take over some of the pollinating.
As I noted in another thread my gardening this year consists mainly of getting my garden back under control. I didn't feel right using all that water in our four year drought so the drought resistant weeds ran amok. Perrenial morning glory , tickseed and Bermuda turned into a jungle this year...
The wife is still about the same. She is surviving physically but her brain hardly functions any more.I forgot all about that first comuniom pic. Thanks for posting it. I have it saved again. The garden soil is in great condition with all that rabbit manure. That's part of the problem. As soon...
My garden is doing great but here isn't much of it. Tomato plants and peppers with a few Winter acorn squash vines. I'm still clearing weeds on most of it. Right now my camera battery is dead so I can't take any pictures.
hip is getting better slowly. Just a twinge now and then when I step wrong.
BTW can anyone point me to the picture I posted of my cabin in Oklahoma? I need it for another forum and I seem to have lost it.
I'm baaack!
Don't even know where to start explaining why I've been gone so long. Four year drought just about halted my gardening and I've been fighting four years of weeds and weed seeds. Then there is the out of joint hip that kept me out of action for a month or so. Add a broken finger about...
I got a roll of heavy duty plastic to kill off the weeds in part of my garden. My question is, have you had better results with the ground wet or dry before putting it down?