Yes it has.
I hire part time HS kids to help around our place. At times we do some construction work, and you'd be surprised how many can't read a tape measure, or figure an angle cut.
I could hand them almost any amount of money and they don't know if I gave them too much or not enough.
My other plant ID thread got me the answer.
I would have never ID'd this without posting a pic.
Thanks nifty for fixing the posting problem.
Thanks for the link.
I was hopping this was an outside plant as I have 2 of them in my greenhouse and I'd like to shut it down for the winter.
Oh well I guess I'll make room for them somewhere in the house.
Springofthelivingdead has a post up on a plant she needs ID'd.
Where is a web sight that a person can go to and ID plants?
My problem is I can't get the pic I have of my plant compressed small enough to upload on here.
The pic you posted with the shed doors open is probably much like yours and that shed is built on skids.
I bought a couple of those and had them moved here on a roll back truck. We couldn't get the truck exactly where I wanted the sheds, so we unloaded them, close to where they needed to be, and...
The best way to protect your fish is to make some sort of a feature they can get under for protection. Make it large enough that a coon can't get to them when they go under the protection.
I don't know if skunks will "go fishin" but I know raccoons will/
Today I brushed hogged what was left of the garden and put on several front loader buckets of rich black compost.
I still need to apply about another 10 buckets of Black Gold.
After I get all of the amendments on I'll til that in, then add more compost.
I'll let the 2nd layer of compost sit on...
Well Sat night was our 1st killing frost.
I got lazy Sat and didn't pick the last of my okra.
Boy was that a mistake, there was over 2 lbs of okra that got ruined.