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  1. mydogdory

    Planting Indoors

    Thanks! This helps a ton! I'm going to be doing my research tonight. I can't wait to start the seeds already lol (:
  2. mydogdory

    Planting Indoors

    Thanks!! I would like to plant them outdoors on Mother's day and I am in zone 6a.. (:
  3. mydogdory

    Planting Indoors

    Hi! I didn't know where to put this post but ill just put it here...This year I want to start plants inside and then move them outside when it's warm enough. I know right now is way too early but when do you usually start planting indoors? Also, where is a cheaper but good website to get seeds...
  4. mydogdory

    My New Dresser!!!!

    I had this super ugly dresser in my bedroom for years and never got around to painting it. I finally did and am so happy! I love it so much! I had to share a before and after! (:
  5. mydogdory

    What Is This???

    I guess you could say it cocooned from the ground because it came out of a shell in the ground by itself. The brown things are part of the plant (:
  6. mydogdory

    How do I know when the watermelon is ready?

    Thanks baymule and canesisters!! I'll post a picture of the my second watermelon when I open it! It should ripen within a week or two! (:
  7. mydogdory

    What Is This???

    I was weeding and found these...What are they? As you can see they aren't "in" the ground but they were.
  8. mydogdory

    How do I know when the watermelon is ready?

    I'm a newb at gardening and watermelons. I picked one of the melons today! I thought it didn't look ripe because it was more pink than red but I tasted it and it was still the best watermelon ive tasted! Does anyone know what kind of watermelon I have? It just said "Watermelon" on the tag. lol
  9. mydogdory

    Sand Under Pumpkins?

    Thanks everyone! (: Next year I think I am going to put them on a trellis.
  10. mydogdory

    Sand Under Pumpkins?

    How do you get the pumpkins to stand up straight?
  11. mydogdory

    Sand Under Pumpkins?

    Thanks! I will see if I got some boards. Maybe I will put boards under some of them and sand under some as well. I plan on growing pumpkins up a vine next year. (:
  12. mydogdory

    Sand Under Pumpkins?

    Hi! My pumpkin plants are in a bed that vines out into the grass. I read that pumpkins can rot from the ground being moist and by bugs. What can I put under the pumpkins to keep them from doing that? I read you can put sand and I have a lot of it but wanted to ask other peoples advice on sand...
  13. mydogdory

    What Did You Pick Today? 2014

    I picked tomatos, basil, lettuce, and serranos! I can't handle the heat from the serranos when they're orange or red, so I pick them green. :)
  14. mydogdory

    How do I know when the watermelon is ready?

    I have two watermelons that are probably no where close to being ripe but have been wondering the same thing! (:
  15. mydogdory

    Pumpkin Rotting?

    So then maybe it's not getting enough water? That would make sense because recently I have been watering them a little later (due to busy schedule) when the leaves are kind of droopy. Thanks!!
  16. mydogdory

    Pumpkin Rotting?

    Oh and does it look and sound like it's rotting?
  17. mydogdory

    Pumpkin Rotting?

    Hi! A couple weeks ago I found my first pumpkin on my pumpkin plant! It grew a little bit but now it's getting yellow and brown..I think it rotting. Where the yellow and brown is it's kind of squishy and where the green is it's hard. It didn't have that brown yesterday. The first picture is the...
  18. mydogdory

    Tomatillo Question

    Sounds good, thanks!! (:
  19. mydogdory

    Tomatillo Question

    Okay, so I will make sure to pull extras like weeds! (:
  20. mydogdory

    Tomatillo Question

    Okay, thanks! :D