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  1. RustyDHart

    anyone else get their first catalog of the season?

    :lol: My seed and dahlia catalogs are some of the few things that help me tolerate Winter......I just keep thinking...SPRING and PLANTING!!!!! I didn't get my Gurneys yet.......(?):/:/:/ It's like getting presents when one gets a catalog in the mail......can't wait 'til the next one.
  2. RustyDHart

    Building a chicken coup ...HELP?

    My main coop is 36'X16' and has two floors.... Upstairs has a 16'X6' entry area...kind of a "foyer' where I keep a desk in one side and a cupboard for meds. and on the other side of the door I have 6 stacked totes with grits, oyster shells, diatamecious earth, vitamins etc...and below them I...
  3. RustyDHart

    What is your favorite sweet corn?

    One of my all time favorites is "Peaches and Cream"....Bi-color, sweet and tasty.
  4. RustyDHart

    Pumpkin tips?

    stupid bird....funny story.....:lol:.....
  5. RustyDHart

    Winter Pix Where You Are?

    This was from a couple of years ago....but this is the norm here 'til the end of April, first part of May sometimes. My front yard by the way.... This was the drift in front of my back hr. was 100% covered.
  6. RustyDHart

    Pumpkin tips?

    chickie.....I'd be willing to share some of my Blue Pumpkin seed with you for next Spring. Wonderful plants are produced with nice size blue/grey pumpkins...I made my pies with them for Thanksgiving. Maybe another variety would be helpful....(????) Let me know, Rusty
  7. RustyDHart

    Need cover crop recommendations

    I've used white makes for a nice natural carpet and can be easily tilled under..... Rusty
  8. RustyDHart

    Borrowing Stuff You Don't Use Often

    I'm with lighthawk on this one......I will NEVER borrow anything mechanical from a friend/neighbor......first of all, I'm about as mechanical as a bag of marshmallows....:P.... and second of all.....I can just touch the thing and for some reason it won't start...or something falls off from...
  9. RustyDHart

    I can't believe it is 5am!

    It's a dark, dreary, and wet day today.....snow to the North of me and snow to the South of me....we're the ones that usually get it.....the Lake effect snow from Lake Michigan and Lake Superior..... Our local weather channel showed today's sunrise was 8:00a.m. and tonight's sunset (really...
  10. RustyDHart

    anyone else get their first catalog of the season?

    I got my first Garden catalog of the season from "Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds". They ALWAYS have such wonderful products. My blue pumpkins (Jarrahdale)..... came from them. Oh to have Spring again....:)....can't wait to plant.
  11. RustyDHart

    Alternative Grains: Amaranth, Sorghum, Buckwheat?

    I grow a tall, red variety of Amaranth...I don't know the name of it....sorry. It grows like crazy and produces tons of seed "swags"..... My chickens and sheep love the seeds and the plant itself. It's also VERY pretty to look at......and it re-seeds like crazy...:P..... Rusty
  12. RustyDHart

    Newbie here

    Greetings and Welcome from Northern Michigan.....:)
  13. RustyDHart

    Easiest Crops?

    As lesa said: Swiss Chard is a wonderful plant to grow as well. I like the variety..."Bright Lights"...multi-colored and tasty....I harvest some of the older, less palitable leaves for my Bantams....I cut the leaves into shreds with scissors...bite size. In the late Fall I dig up 2-3...
  14. RustyDHart

    Easiest Crops?

    Hi Steve......I grow Calendulas every year.....lots will come up volunteer, but I always like to plant a long row of them in the flower garden with the Dahlias.....they germinate quick....they grow fast and produce lots of beautiful, EDIBLE flowers. They can also be used for cutting. Four...