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  1. waretrop


    Yes I have 3 waiting to be planted. They are out in the fenced in area that we keep things we didn't plant yet or will sell one day...They are about 2 foot tall. I will make a "bonsai forest" out of them..
  2. waretrop

    Remember Pearl Harbor

    That is way cool @Nyboy and @digitS' . My dad used to say, they knew something was up because he was also supposed to get out 5 days before and they froze all mustering out guys. He was in until the end...
  3. waretrop

    Remember Pearl Harbor

    @Nyboy Yes and then when the "war movies came on tv in the 60's we all ran away....LOL But I have to say some of it was interesting to hear. My dad was an island hopper...he went around the world...and the stories he could tell....I have some great pictures..
  4. waretrop

    Remember Pearl Harbor

    No one commented here yet?? WOW. So my dad was at Pearl Harbor on that day. He told me so so many war stories until he died in 1972. I didn't appreciate it back then but listened with great interest. Now, after 9-11, I think we all have a very very different attitude about being patriotic..
  5. waretrop

    Craigslist and Other Bargains

    I love your bedroom suit. I am into very notty pine these days but I would have loved that in my old life...LOL You got a deal....
  6. waretrop

    What are you canning now?

    I buy mine and don't pluck or anything but If I did I think I would skin instead..I can mine the same way.
  7. waretrop

    What are you canning now?

    That looks great. Do you raw pack? Do you add any liquid or spices? I don't on either count but I do raw pack.
  8. waretrop

    It is HIS Birthday... no candle fires please!

    Happy Birthday @Nyboy Hope your Italian dinner with good friends is a wonderful one...
  9. waretrop

    Craigslist and Other Bargains

    @ninnymary I always go to the scratch and dented areas when buying things like fridges and things like that.
  10. waretrop

    Helpful hints around the kitchen

    These sound like household hints that my grandmother and mother used...They all were so smart back then.
  11. waretrop

    Craigslist and Other Bargains

    Yes, You are right about the meals. I love it cause he cooks it...we will be smoking bacon soon.
  12. waretrop

    Craigslist and Other Bargains

    Well, that is wonderful...Let us know how you do...
  13. waretrop

    Craigslist and Other Bargains

    How much is it? It doesn't say..
  14. waretrop

    Craigslist and Other Bargains

    Here is our smoker grill. It was $200. Best price we have ever seen. See the very very proud hubby.???? Oh yes, he loves it..
  15. waretrop

    It's Carol Dee's Birthday!

    Happy birthday Carol Dee....Have a great day.
  16. waretrop

    Thanksgiving Dinner And 3 Firetrucks

    I googled it...Sounds and looks great....Its must try next time.
  17. waretrop

    Do You Have A Fire Extinguisher In Kitchen?

    I have always kept one in my kitchen or pantry.
  18. waretrop

    Do You Black Friday ?

    I don't go out shopping on Black Friday. I lay back in my recliner. and enjoy looking over, not 2 feet away, at my hubby working his magic little fingers over the keys of his computer. My little shopahaulic.... He got a 8 camera security system retail $900 for $400 not 5 minutes before the big...
  19. waretrop

    Craigslist and Other Bargains

    Omgosh!!!!! Are you for sure????? I will surely check my township rules...We are only allowed 10 chickens per acre here...That's a new rule. I am grandfathered in and on record with our township/
  20. waretrop

    ***FRAUD ALLERT ***

    We have just decided not to use cards anymore. I only use cash except on line purchases and that will be with a card that only has a few hundred dollars limit....