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  1. HotPepperQueen

    Are you happy with your 2015 garden?

    I would have to say that my random garden (peas, carrots, beans, squash, zucchini, onions, radish, kale, swiss chard, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, lots of lettuces, tomatillos, garlic, and potatoes) I would give it an 8 out of 10. For once I actually got my potatoes, peas, and onions in early...
  2. HotPepperQueen

    Tea Garden

    I do grow oregano but it doesn't get all that big here. I'm trying it in a pot this year to see if it does better. I live in sugar sand so certain things just don't grow!
  3. HotPepperQueen

    Tea Garden

    How do you know.....;)
  4. HotPepperQueen

    Tea Garden

    There is a place near my house called Prairie Restorations that grows native plants and they have bergamot. I contacted them last week but just haven't made time to stop yet. I plan on getting some!
  5. HotPepperQueen

    Tea Garden

    Very cool! I wish stuff like that would grow here!
  6. HotPepperQueen

    Tea Garden

    I have started a tea garden! I have a wide variety of herbs to add to black and green tea. Super excited for everything to get established so I can make lots of different tea blends! Here is what I have gotten so far..., Chamomile Lemon Thyme Cinnamon Basil Pineapple Sage Lemon Verbena Lemon...
  7. HotPepperQueen

    What I've been up to and what is to come...

    This semester is OVER! Thank goodness. I've been busy planting my herbs in pots and getting my flower containers ready. Pulled a bunch of weeds in the flower beds today and plan on raising it up 12 inches to make weeding a lot easier. Getting a load of mulch brought in and two large straw bales...
  8. HotPepperQueen

    OK, I Got the Dog

    My rot/lab cross is the best dog ever. Super well behaved. The only thing is that she HATES any small dogs....but cats don't bother her. We rescued her when she was a year old. Someone had left her in an abandoned house with a 5 gallon bucket of water and a ripped open bag of dog food. People...
  9. HotPepperQueen

    Future BBQ's

    How much did they weigh, average dressed?
  10. HotPepperQueen

    Want some seeds? PM me your address!

    I do have a few left! Send me a message and I'll pass them along!
  11. HotPepperQueen

    Well crap...

    So sorry to hear this! I cannot imagine! My parents would have sent me over to apologize, clean up the mess, buy new plants, and help replant the garden. And I woulda got a spanking or two...
  12. HotPepperQueen

    What I've been up to and what is to come...

    Thank you all for the support. It is stressful working 43 hours a week and going to school online but gardening and my flock will keep me sane in the meantime :p
  13. HotPepperQueen

    What I've been up to and what is to come...

    Hey all! Life has been crazy. I started a new job last August and went back to college. Whew, that was enough to knock me back for while. So now I am working on my Human Relations and Management degree while working full time as the front desk manager. Eventually I will be in charge of salon...
  14. HotPepperQueen

    Lost my garden, job, and home!

    Wow! I sure did miss a lot this week! Sorry to hear about everything but glad you got your money and you are trying to keep an upbeat attitude. Please, continue to keep us posted!
  15. HotPepperQueen

    Want some seeds? PM me your address!

    Lemon Boy's sure are my favorite. They are excellent juicing tomatoes or fresh off the vine.
  16. HotPepperQueen

    Want some seeds? PM me your address!

    That is excellent! Which variety is doing the best so far?
  17. HotPepperQueen

    Ripoff ?

    Starbucks, Caribou, Dunn Bros....the list goes on. Silly if ya ask me.
  18. HotPepperQueen

    Potted up tomatoes

    I usually wait until the last possible moment to transplant mine....:hide I should probably do that soon.
  19. HotPepperQueen

    Future BBQ's

    I just got 72 of the little nuggets on Tuesday! In 9 weeks mine will be on the grill...mmmmm
  20. HotPepperQueen

    Future BBQ's

    They really do get nasty! They only stay cute for the first week.