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  1. mirime

    *Updated w/Questions* I got a pressure canner today!!

    Looking forward to upcoming posts from you!! :weee
  2. mirime

    darn it! what did I do wrong?

    We don't get calcium deposits - maybe we have 'medium' water! I'm so ignorant about stuff; this forum has been a VERY humbling experience for me! When I took the seals/lids off, I needed to use the square end of an hand-held can opener to pry them open I'm gonna try again tomorrow. Get...
  3. mirime

    Look what we picked today!

    ooooh wonderful!:happy_flower *I had to check where you lived to see how someone got apples so quickly!*
  4. mirime

    early spring flower/Ohio

    they are cute! Too bad I have to pull them out :(
  5. mirime

    Black Walnut Fruits - Pix ** Updated 7/30

    I have one of those lists printed out in my gardening book! And great thought about the type of soil - I hadn't thought of that before. The other day, I was at my son's apartment/house and the next-door-neighbor-to-him had black walnuts circling their yard. And in the middle of the yard was a...
  6. mirime

    darn it! what did I do wrong?

    Thanks DM! And Pat, I think that it was cloudy because (sob!) the stuff was molding already! Our water is hard but I'll make sure next time to use the water filter we have. Pickling salt - yes I have that, but this time I used the Ball packet. I'll make sure that I pack them well without air...
  7. mirime

    another dumb question: what's most important about following recipes?

    Thanks DM and Pat. And NOT that I'm gonna be fiddling at ALL right now - I was just trying to understand the 'science' of canning. Plus, I just had to throw out all of my first canning attempt (see my new post). I think that maybe I didn't get all the air bubbles out properly that time.
  8. mirime

    In the spirit of recycling, what garden project are you most proud of?

    wow you have lots of chicks!! Since we have a smallish yard, I'm thinking 3 -5 of different types - Buff Orp, Dominque, Buckeye (hehee because I'm in Ohio) and maybe a Blue Cochin, and a RIR or Easter Egger.
  9. mirime

    darn it! what did I do wrong?

    So my first time canning? Well I checked the jars today and they were cloudy... :( so I threw the contents all out (safely) and am cleaning the jars with bleach and then detergent. When I was filling everything up, I was sure I was correct w/the headspace... But when I looked at the jars...
  10. mirime


    Thanks re: tip about taking screw rings off. and LOL re: specimen jars!
  11. mirime

    Black Walnut Fruits - Pix ** Updated 7/30

    We have a HUGE black walnut in the backyard - am afraid to plant anything in the yard because of the juglone. Anyone have a thriving garden near their black walnut?
  12. mirime

    another dumb question: what's most important about following recipes?

    You're all probably so sick of me asking so many questions! But here I go. Changing canning recipes - some people putter with their recipes by adding more spice or whatever, but, and here is the crux of my question, I'm guessing that the only thing you need to NOT CHANGE is 1) the vinegar/acid...
  13. mirime


    I know this is probably a really dumb question... can you write on the lids of the jars after they have sealed without unsealing the seal? I'd like to just use a Sharpie (or, as we said back in the day, a Magic Marker) on the lid...since you throw the lids away anyway. Plus I don't want to use...
  14. mirime

    first timing canning - hoping it all worked out okay

    Thanks Tutter - doing jam and then mushrooms next..kinda worried about the mushrooms, but they'll be pickled for over 12 I guess I'm not THAT worried. :lol:
  15. mirime

    Gardening magazine?

    yep, I remember the old Mother Earth - but I guess that they felt they had to change a bit with the times!
  16. mirime

    In the spirit of recycling, what garden project are you most proud of?

    Glad we're not alone! We had to put building a chicken coop and getting chickens off until next year - this makes me very sad - but we have to be practical...I think! ;)
  17. mirime

    Gardening magazine?

    These are my two fav mags, and the only ones I have subscriptions to!
  18. mirime

    In the spirit of recycling, what garden project are you most proud of?

    We also used recycled wood to build a 5-6" tall picket fence around our backyard (about 72x130 ft). Since all the board feet were/are all sorts of widths and heights, we have taken some time to rip them all to size, etc. We're still not really done yet! I want to use the leftover wood to...