Janet started us a whole dang slew o' bean plants from seed and woontchya know it, every dang one came up :D
Problem is, she didn't mark any of 'em as to what type they are. She planted 2 kinds (see pic) and i hadn't a clue till after i transplanted 'em all. i then asked her.."hey mababy, are...
This is all i do Anny. I grow cherries, grapes and better boys and so far no problems with the cages keepin 'em up straight and healthy
Hope this helps ya.
Oh, i'm still gonna use all my pots 'nat Anny lol they are all full o' good Miracle grow dirt and i've allready got grape 'maters sproutin on the plants in some of 'em. 'sides, that way i don't have to restrict my plants to jist my garden.I like havin plants all around the house and i refuse to...
Thanx Anny. Raised bed gardening...i like it. Jist up till last fall before we moved into here i did all my gardening in pots on porch and in my driveway.
I don't know how to act(or do other things yet) now that i have real ground to till and sow in LOL
i have mine planted next to a picket fence and i need ideas on how to get them supported. ie; strin 'em to the fence? attatch some small metal fencing to the wooden picket fence ?