"The tomatoes are an acidic fruit," said Larry Nemetz, DVM, of the Bird Clinic in Orange County, California. It does not recommend feeding raw tomatoes (including cherry tomatoes) to birds at any time because of their acidity.
Unlike other plants, the colder it is, the better when it comes to planting tulips in the spring. Bulbs should be planted six weeks before frost in the fall, but they can survive if root time is provided. ... If you have bulbs, you can plant them at any point in the winter, January or February...
Tomatoes are a hot seasonal crop that dies back when cold temperatures are at risk. ... You can, however, grow tomatoes indoors, but they are typically smaller and produce less prolificly than their summer cousins. Choose the right varieties while growing indoor tomatoes and read tips on how to...
The recommended regular consumption, based on available studies, mainly depends on the condition it is being used to treat. The majority of adult research supports the healthy use of 400 to 600 milligrams (mg) of pure turmeric powder three times a day, or 1 to 3 grams (g) of grated or dried...
Water the plants at the base in frequent, deep-watering sessions to maximize the size of the melons and keep the soil moist. Side dress the watermelon plants with fertilizer intended to feed the plants for edible crops or compost tea. The fertilizer helps growing melons to get bigger.
The typical safe and well tended apple tree will live from 50 to 80 years of age. There are, however, striking exceptions to this statute. Some apple trees have been recorded to have existed for more than a century.
To grow asparagus crowns, dig trenches 12 inches long and 6 inches deep (8 inches sandy soil) down the middle of the prepared surface. Soak the crowns in the composting tea for 20 minutes before planting. Place the crowns in the trenches between 11⁄2 and 2 feet apart; coat them with 2 to 3...
Salt could do a job. Bring a solution of around 1 cup of salt to a boil in 2 cups of water. To kill them, pour directly on the weeds. Another equally successful way to destroy weeds is to apply salt directly to weeds or unwanted grass that comes up between patio bricks or blocks.
How to know the best watermelons?
Look for a solid, symmetrical fruit free from bruises, cuts or dents to select the ideal watermelon. The surface of the fruit will be dark green, dull, rather than shiny. Once you raise the watermelon, it will appear heavy because of its size, which means it is...