Search results

  1. Cassandra

    Can Zuchinni and Summer Squash be preserved and have any quality left?

    Have you ever seen the show Good Eats? I remember seeing the strawberry episode where Alton demonstrates how to freeze strawberries. For whatever reason (he explained, but I don't remember) strawberries can only be frozen if you can freeze them REALLY FAST. Since that seems to be the issue with...
  2. Cassandra

    Need plans for a strawberry planter

    Ooo, look at this:
  3. Cassandra

    Can Zuchinni and Summer Squash be preserved and have any quality left?

    I have frozen squash before and revived it for use in casseroles or stewed squash. That is mainly how we eat it anyway. It works fine like this for me. A squash caserole is made with squash, onions, ground beef (or sausage), rice & cheese. Stewed squash is just cooked with butter & onions. I've...
  4. Cassandra

    Is this Rhubarb or what?

    My husband glanced over my shoulder & saw PineBurrow's pic. He asked me what it was and I said, "maybe rhubarb." He said, They better get it away from that router. It might wake up and starting eating stuff... then he starts babbling about people eating aliens and stuff. Absolute nonsense and...
  5. Cassandra

    I thought I was the only one who liked onions!

    Honestly! What kind of wild beast eats onions?! :| For the past few days, I've been noticing a couple of my onion bulbs exposed. Green tops mostly gone. I'm not exactly Ms. Observant, you know, and it takes a few times for something to worm its way into my mind as significant. Well, this...
  6. Cassandra

    Flea beetles

    I can sure do that, aquarose! :D Sounds like the golden rule to me and I am all for it: You don't bother me. I don't bother you. You give me some eggplants. I give you some water. You keep your flea beetle pets off me. I keep my chicken pets off you. Awesome. Cassandra
  7. Cassandra

    Flea beetles

    Thanks, Pat. And that was pretty much my question--though I know I didn't ask it property (in retrospect.) I can live with them being on the leaves. I'm not going to be as compassionate if they start eating my beans and eggplants, or killing the plants. I planted four eggplant plants. I have...