I decided err on the side of caution and cut back all the affected leaves. So we shall see what happens.
Hopefully next year I will have better luck. I also have more ideas for trying other methods.
They are in full sun all day. I do occasionally water from the top if I'm in a hurry but usually make a point to soak the base. They are in bags. I might pull the door open and see if the potatoes are getting ready. My other bag looks totally normal.
It's only one of my plants so far. Since they are in bags I moved them away from each other. I always get nervous trimming too many leaves off my plants but I may do it to attempt to save the plant.
Also They are 2 seperate varieties.
I need to check which these are.
My wood chips have been in a big pile since last fall. I take as I need from it. I will definitely remember that! There have been a few times I thought I saw some white stuff and wondered. As soon as the sun dried it out, it would be gone.
Thanks so much for all the info! I'm not in a rush to repair to soil I just felt it was wasted space that I could be using. I didn't feel like building another raised bed. Maybe I could put one of my off the ground raised beds there as i repair the soil.
If you plant chamomile make sure you harvest every flower. If they go to seed it WILL spread and you will be pulling up the seedlings for years after 🤣🤣
I wanted to share how I built my Herb spiral Garden. I plan on building larger one that has a walking path.
Step one plan your space accordingly. I used my Square foot garden template to measure it out.
I mowed the garden as short as I could and then put Cardboard down
Then I laid my first...