Minn, with its Continental weather may not afford enough time. When it hits, the Arctic Steamroller will be merciless. I believe that cauliflower is a 90 plant, right?
But you can eat the plant whether it heads or not, so why not?
Hey Steve the Collective Farm Woman melon is said to be a short season, cool weather melon:
"COLLECTIVE FARM WOMAN MELON is a wonderful Ukranian heirloom with smooth 7"-10" melons. Yellowish-white flesh is extremely sweet and fragrant. Early, and a good candidate for Northern climates, it...
I tried some Armenian Tiggers this year, and they were a disappointment. Small and pretty, but without any real flavor.
Next season I will try some "Collective Farm Woman" melons, which I got from Sustainable Seed Co. I just love the name.
In fact, I ended up with rather a lot of melon seed...
Unless of course the ground freezes in your locale. You have to beat cold ground, no matter where you live. The average soil temp one musnt go below for long is 43 degrees f, or therabouts. Lower than that, for too long, and growth is arrested - and bad things happen to roots in the too cold...
Clunker schmunker - there is nothing as esthetically pleasing as an old truck. Don't buy into the minimalist clap trap, talking yourself out of a bit of life's pleasure - drive that truck and smile.
For the fun and food. Pumpkins are marrows or what we call, "winter squashes," and can be eaten like all their kin.
Roast them and eat as a vegetable. Pumpkin soup is good, too.
But I just like to bake them and eat, as is.
The seeds can be roasted, too. Lori loves them with a dash of salt...