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  1. davaroo

    Blackeyed Peas

    Does this apply to Navy beans as well?
  2. davaroo

    green beans fall crop?

    May I suggest a sugar pod or edible pod, pea. These mature fast and are suited to cool weather.
  3. davaroo

    You want to test seeds for free?

    You mean until you're found out, Ron. The Seed Gestapo is watching. But you're right, I don't know they wont be sending them - they only stated they were 'unshipped', as were yours. Im getting the sense though that they wont be... call it a gut feeling. The conciliatory tone of the letter led...
  4. davaroo

    today I turn the compost

    Well that is one decent thing to come of the dole...
  5. davaroo

    You want to test seeds for free?

    I tried the honest approach, too. I don't know much about perpetual gardens (?) and urban sustainability sounds pretty good, I must admit. But I just said I wanted to test them for best results in my soil and to experiment for suitability as overwinter greenhouse sports. I selected varieties...
  6. davaroo

    Turnips. Haven't heard anyone growing them!

    I would say they are great and they are an acquired taste. The best way to ensure you acquire that taste is to be hungry when you eat them. The best seasoning for any food is always hunger. Seriously, they have a bitter twinge to them that potatoes don't have. It isn't objectionable, but it IS...
  7. davaroo

    You want to test seeds for free?

    SO let me ask again, Ron, how did you word your request?
  8. davaroo

    Why do ALL my pumpkins die every year!?

    Male flowers typically stand tall on a stalky stem, and females are squat. They also have a small swelling just behind the flower. Here you go:
  9. davaroo

    You want to test seeds for free?

    I got three packets of four bean seeds each, today. FOUR seeds - what am I supposed to do with four seeds? No garlic or any of the other beans I had requested were shipped, and there was no indication they would be. Along with this "bounty," was some computerish, order-related gobbledy gook and...
  10. davaroo

    Why do ALL my pumpkins die every year!?

    It needs to be done in the heat of the day, when the flowers are fully open and dry. You can use a soft bristle brush, too, like the kind used to apply facial blush makeup. Dip a clean brush into the male flower, then dust lightly into the females. Since you're not there in the midday, though...
  11. davaroo

    What kind of pepper do I have?

    I couldnt remember the other name, but I got it tonight... Serranos. They also look like Serranos.
  12. davaroo

    You want to test seeds for free?

    Still waiting on beans and garlic.
  13. davaroo

    My root crops don't seem to like the bagged garden soil much

    Most people equate gardening success with greenery. The nitrogen connection makes sense, in a marketing scenario.
  14. davaroo

    My First TIGGER Melon

    I dont know what the banana melons taste like as I havent had one ripen yet.
  15. davaroo

    Oneil in Illinois - SEEDS CAME YESTERDAY!!

    I got some seeds in the mail from an Oneil in IL. IF it was from someone here, please let me know!
  16. davaroo

    Canning Items From Auction

    Just go ahead and get her some, Ron. She sounds like a gem. Just come clean with her and let her know what you are thinking. And make sure you give her a hug for the great goodies.
  17. davaroo

    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    "Chicken crack!!" Okay, now that is funny - - :lau
  18. davaroo

    Potting Shed Improvements

    Very nice and cozy. So where is the beer cooler? Seriously, it reminds me of the beachfront massage cabanas in Cancun. Maybe you need to hire a muscular Mexican masseuse to come in once a week, eh?
  19. davaroo

    What kind of pepper do I have?

    These look like cayenne. Wonderfully hot. I have seed for some Peter Peppers, come next year. I gotta say, I am look forward to waving them around under Lori's nose.