Today was the first day my business was closed for the winter! WoooHooo!!! :celebrate
I have a dog boarding kennel and I spent the morning with MY dogs. Then I had a dog food delivery (close to 1/2 ton!).
It rained like crazy here all day and the dogyard flooded but my dogs had a great time...
I think part of my problem is that I don't know what these things are! :P I thought a seed tray was those pot-type things that you plant the seeds directly into. I have alot to learn! :rolleyes:
Thanks!!! The mat I'm looking at will fit a 10 X 20 tray. I'll see what HD has. How many rolls can you fit into each pot opening? Or do you only put one in each?
I had some trouble with my indoor seeds last year. My house is cool and I think it was just not warm enough. I saw a Seed Mat on eBay and it said that it was big enough for a standard size seed tray. I don't want to use a seed tray (I prefer the TP roll method), so my question is, what can I use...
That's what I did last year. I cut each roll in half and it worked great. I was able to transplant the seedling without disturbing the root system (just dropped TP roll and all into the hole). The rolls will simply biodegrate.
Hi RB!
I'm in Jersey too. I don't know if I'll be any help because I just started gardening this year. I had some good luck with zucchini (who doesn't???) and garden peas. I also had a nice pepper crop. When I first asked the same question as you, I was told that pretty much anything can grow...
I planted some peppers this year that (as far as I know) should be a green variety. They are California Wonders from Bakers Creek (heirlooms). I pulled all my plants up last week and found one pepper had turned red! When I cut it open there were no seeds inside (it tasted fine). I'm wondering if...
I'm looking at dirt. I've pulled everything except some late pea plants that still have flowers on them and carrots that I'm not sure when to harvest. :/
I've started my second compost pile. The first one will be used in the spring and the second will be for the following year.
And I'm planning...
What would I do differently? Mmmm... Where do I start? :lol:
First of all, I need to start EVERYTHING much sooner! By the time I was able to get what I started indoors outside everyone else was harvesting. I have also learned that "fall crops" are not to be planted in the fall! :D
Next, my...
This sounds wonderful! What is "acidulating"? I'm assuming it means to reduce the acid content somehow. How do you do it?
Thanks for a "must try" recipe!