Hattie, grafted roses just don't do well here for me, the own roots are better - but you're going to take care of that via the cuttings! :bow I want Reine des Violettes too, it's on my list for next spring.
Don't feed your roses in the fall unless your climate is such that they'll grow and blossom all year. The new growth promoted by fertilization will be killed back by frost. Roses will grow all year round if the climate suits them.
Heavy soil is the enemy for you down there in NC. Sharp drainage means sandy loam type soil. That clay is what keeps you from growing lavender well. I'll bet you can grow it like gangbusters out in Seattle, I envy them their climate! And yes, you do need to lime that soil if you want to grow...
I have ordered from Antique Rose Emporium and was very happy with what I received. I have to say, I've done more business with Heirloom Roses than them, though. Just because I like their selection better. As for letting one opinion out of many sway you - well, I think you have to weigh it...
If you go to my link I posted, there are a bunch of tabs - one is 'Buy From'. There's a list of vendors that carry the rose from all over the world. Roses of Yesterday and Today has it in stock.
Lavender wants sharp drainage and a slightly sweet soil. You're in zone 5, that's getting to the cold side of its range. Try this - make sure you're growing a good, hardy type like Hidcote. Mulch around the roots out to the spread of the plant with sharp sand - not beach sand! Do this before...
Rosa damascena triginipetula, or the Kazinlick Rose, is the one I'd go for. I have a piece of it in my garden from the Herb Society's garden up at Elm Bank. The scent is to die for. Mine is from a root cutting, it's still small, I'm hopeful that next spring it will come into its own!
I saw a segment on this neighborhood on CBS Sunday Morning this past summer. I can understand people not liking them, but being nasty to each other over something like that is ridiculous.
My mother grows them, I do know they like to be really potbound before they'll bloom. She's had one for over 30 years now, so she must be doing something right! :)
Ok, a vent that's been brewing for awhile now:
I need my garden too, but this summer was such a bust, getting sick and all, it's a mess in my veggie garden, my tomatoes fell over, I didn't do much with them - at least it isn't a weedy mess thanx to great friends helping out. I had such great...